Chapter 14

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The closer I got to the guild, the slower my legs would move. The increasing level of nerves growing in my stomach felt more like a tornado than butterflies. The pamphlet in my hands was now close to unreadable through a number of times I've twisted and crushed it. Scenarios circled my brain, worst cases of Gray casting me out or Natsu leaving me to raise this child on my own. What if Juvia became disappointed in me? I didn't mean for this to happen, I didn't know this would happen if I did what I did. If only I had been more firm with Natsu, I wouldn't be in this situation.

Finally, I arrived. I wouldn't be surprised if my face had turned green. The normally happy aura the guild gives off was now a looming haunted castle, threatening to gobble me up if a took a wrong step. By the clicking of my heels, I slowly went up to the doors and pushed them open, seeing the hyper guild. Natsu and Gray were in a current fight, Erza too distracted with her strawberry cake to do anything about it. "Lu-nee, there you are? What did Natsu do to you?" Juvia jumped over, Levy following over with a book to her chest. A furious blush rushed to my cheeks, for a reason I wasn't sure of. "I-I need to t-talk to Na-Natsu first. Excuse me." Running past them and to where Natsu was fighting. "U-Um, Natsu, can we talk about what happened this morning?" I stuttered out, a level of volume only a dragon slayer could hear. "Luce, you're back! So, what's going on?" Natsu instantly jumped from his place on the table, practically making out with my brother, to me. "D-Do we have to do this here?" I stuttered again, looking down at the folded piece of paper on my hand. "Let's go somewhere quiet then. Come on!" He smiled innocently, taking my hand and pulling me upstairs, where we could go now. 

Following looking around to see if anyone were here with us, I took in a deep, shaky breath. "Natsu, you know that book we read a couple days ago. About dragon slayers and ba-babies." Unfolding the pamphlet. "We-Well, the book said if two dragon slayers make contact for more than 6 hours, the girl. Y'know..." I led off, not being able to give him the 'talk'. "Luce, are you pregnant?" Natsu asked, a serious expression on his face. My gaze shot up, blushing wildly. "Yes..." I sighed, slouching. With a second to spare, Natsu picked me up and spins me around. "I'm going to be a dad!" He cheered, the happiest I had ever seen him. "This is great! We can have little Lucy's running around. Igneel always said I would have a beautiful wife, and he was right!" He put me down, close to screaming. "Natsu! Quiet down, would ya! I'm not ready to tell anyone else yet. Hold on, did you say, wife?" Through my ever glowing blush, I punched him off me. "Why? This is great news! I told Gray I would be the first to have kids!" He applauded again, running to the balcony. "IN YOUR FACE GRAY!" He shouted over the railing, me pulling him back. "Are you crazy! Do you know what my brother would do if he found out you did this to me?" I whispered, looking around to making sure no one was coming up. "Then how am I supposed to tell him I beat him?" Natsu cocked his head, leaving me to sweat drop. "Not everything's a competition, ya know." I sighed, going over to a table to sit down. "In Fairy Tail, it is." A new voice spoke up from a dark corner. We both looked and saw Laxus, smirking at us with his feet on the table. "L-Laxus!" I gasped, blushing because he must have heard. "Hey! I beat you too!" Natsu cheered, punching the air. "I never thought it would be you. I guess I'll have to pay Gramps later." He sighed, throwing back his beer. "Wh-What are you talking about?" I stuttered, standing up and hiding behind Natsu. "Gramps and I had a bet who would get someone pregnant first. I thought it would be Gray. But it looks like you two are having an accident." He chuckled, smirking at me. "It wasn't an accident! I wanted it to happen!" Natsu smiled, pointing his thumb to his chest. "You what!" I walked around to face him, my blush was gone and an angry expression replaced it. "Well, I wanted to beat Gray. And I really liked you. I'm happy I can be a dad with you, Luce." He smiled, not making me feel any better. "I'm going to talk to Erza," I grumbled, walking back past his and down the stairs. "Wait! Luce! I'm sorry!"

I went to sit with Erza, Gray, Juvia and Wendy, who had fallen asleep from what I heard talking to Romeo all night with her new communication lacrima. "What was Natsu on about?" Gray sighed, his arm around Juvia as always. I only pouted and crossed my arms. "What did he do now?" Erza sighed, turning to me. "I don't want to talk about it." I sulked just as said dragon slayer was walking over. "I said I'm sorry." He sat beside me, bowing his head. I turned and ignored him. "Come on Luce, please talk to me." He grabbed my arm, shaking me like a child having a tantrum. "How could you want this to happen to me? Am I that bad of a friend? Is it because I disappeared for a year that you're holding a grudge?" Tearing up, I turned to him, his hand still on my one arm. "Of course not! I didn't think it was a bad thing. I thought you'd be good at this kind of stuff." He persuaded, loosening his grip. "How the hell could I be good at this! I've barely been without a guardian for a year! I can't do that!" I cried out, dropping my head in my arms. "Are you fighting because Lucy-san is pregnant?" A quiet, sleepy yet high-toned voice pushed in, making me remember the others around us.  "WHAT?" Everyone shrieked, looking to us. "Wendy." We both groaned, looking at the girl who just woke up. "Oh, sorry." She giggled sheepishly. She probably planned this. "Y-You're pregnent? Wi-With Natsu's baby?" Juvia stuttered, Erza's spirit rising from her body. "NATSU!" Gray bellowed, jumping over to start beating the father of my child up. Not being able to deal with their reactions right now, I dropped my head in my hands.

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