Chapter 9

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Lucy's PoV

Hearing snoring from beside me, my eyelids fluttered open. I sat up finding the dragon slayer sleeping next to me. "I SAID NOT IN THE BED!" I screamed, Lucy kicking him out the bed. "Ow~. Luce, what was that for?" He cried, rubbing his head. "Useless." I muttered to myself and scooted off the bed, doing my morning stretches as I walked to the bathroom. "You better be gone by the time I'm out of the shower." I told him slammed the door closed with my foot.

During my shower, a sharp pain came to where I was stabbed by the Tōshō Dagger. I crouched to try and relieve the pain. This hasn't happened for ages. I cried to myself, checking to see if I were bleeding. In place of the scar was a red, dragon scale. As I pulled it out, another grew soon after. "What the hell?" I questioned, looking at the scale in my palm. It didn't smell like my own or look like my own. I know this because of transformation spells I've done in the past. "Why does it smell like Natsu?" I whispered to myself, letting the warm water fall on my head as I stared intensely at the thing growing on my stomach. "What smells like me?" Natsu's voice asked from the other side of the shower curtain. "PERVERT! GET OUT!" I screamed, throwing a bar of soap at him as he ran out the door. 

Completely forgetting the abnormality on my stomach, I finished showering and walk into my bedroom. "Thank God he left." I sighed, grabbing clothes from my closet. "Yeah, I know, that guy's so annoying." Happy said from his seat on my bed, looking out the window. "OUT!" I screamed, throwing the closest object to me, at him. He flew out instantly. I breathed a sigh of relief and continued dressing for the day.

I walked to the guild by myself, wearing a dress so I knew no one would see the scale growing on my stomach. "I'll go straight to the library to see if it has anything to do with dragon slaying magic. Oh my Mavis, what if it's a disease?" I gasped, putting my hands to my cheeks. "No, it can't be. I feel fine. Just a like sick." I made a face at the butterfly feeling in my stomach which was getting worse since I woke up.

(The dress.)

"It's probably nothing though

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"It's probably nothing though." I thought aloud, walking through the guild doors that were already open. "What's nothing." Natsu popped out of nowhere, making me jump in the other direction. "Since when were you able to sneak up on me." I clutched my racing heart as we walked to the bar together. "What's with the dress? Special occasion?" He asked, the comment I just made going fifty feet over his head. I blushed when he realised I was wearing a dress, not a usual attire for me since living with Porliusica. "N-No reason, I just felt like it." I shrugged, asking Mira to bring some food and water down to the library. "Why are we going to the library?" Natsu asked, stuck to my side. "I am doing some research. You are going to stay up here." I put my hand on his chest when I stood in the doorway to the stairs leading down to the library. "But I want to help yooouuuu~." He whined, sounding like a little kid. I sighed, annoyingly enjoying his company, and took my hand off his chest. "Fine, just don't distract me." I sighed and turned, walking down the stairs.

As I searched the shelves for anything related to Dragon Slaying, I was only able to find a hand full, Natsu eating the food I ordered from Mira. I was at the top of the ladder, looking through the dusty books up there. Because of this, my nose was getting itchy and I sneezed, pushing the ladder back with the force. As I yelped, Natsu quickly steadied the ladder. I sighed in relief. "Thanks Natsu!" I called down to him, looking down to see him looking up at me. That's when I remembered I was wearing a dress. I got the book I was trying to find and dropped it on his face. "Perv." I muttered as I flew down, holding the sides to make sure I wasn't going too fast. 

With Natsu cowering in the corner, I flipped through the book that landed on him. "Scales. Scales. Where are scales?" I whispered as I scanned each page to find the key word. "Scale! Okay, when finding a mate..." I paused, repeating in my head to what I just read. "MATE?" I screamed at myself, reading on. "When finding a mate, if both parties sleep in the same bed voluntarily, or make skin to skin contact for more than six hours, the reproduction process will start. This will be apparent when the female begins to grow a protect layer of scale on her stomach." I read aloud. "I-I'm pr..." I stared into the distance, realisation hitting me. "I read that once, it's a good book. The characters are a bit confusing though." Natsu spoke up, still rubbing his head from the attack. "Natsu! This isn't a fable book! This is information of Dragon Slaying magic! This tells you how to get pregnant." I mumbled the last part. "O-Oh." Was all he said as he too went into his own world. "S-So, yo-you're..." He led off, waiting for me to finish his sentence. "Baka." I pouted and hit him again, running up stairs to try and forget about this.

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