Chapter 18

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Halfway through our voyage, I could no longer take the swimming in my stomach. I sluggishly lifted my leg over the side of the boat and leaned forward. No one was watching me, trying to keep Natsu from vomiting fire that could burn our boat to ash. After a couple of seconds trying to heft myself over, a splash sound vibrated from my area. I flew down to the sea bottom and grabbed a handful of sand. As I was using my Earth magic to make a path from our ship to Caracole Island, I felt something wrap around just under my chest area and I floated up to the surface so fast I only let out one bubble of air. I was pulled up to the ship with drenched hair but once I landed on my butt, I was bone dry. "Lucy! Are you okay?" Gray ran over from steering the ship and fell to his knees by the side. "I'm fine. What happened." Feeling the queasiness and dizziness returning, I held my forehead and mouth to stop myself from puking everywhere. "I was tired of being on this boat and I was trying to find some solid land!" I shouted angrily, pouring the dried sand out of my hand and onto the deck. "Oh, so you didn't faint?" Wendy cocked her head and I furiously shook my head. "No!" I cried again, my anger becoming uncontrollable. "Are you stupid? You could have drowned." Turning me by my shoulders, Natsu shouted in my face. "You've done it before!" I flicked his forehead and a competitive fire grew around us. "But I was pregnant with our child!" He shouted back. "I would never do anything to put my baby in danger." I scowled, holding myself to look just as intimidating as my boyfriend. 

While Natsu and I were bickering, our five companions were conversing. "Has Lucy-san and Natsu-san not had a checkup yet?" Wendy looked up to her seniors and the blue cat. "Not that I know of, Wendy. Why?" Erza asked, ignoring another round of arguing from the pregnant couple. "I'm sensing more than one heartbeat from Lucy." Wendy thought aloud, pinching her chin. "That would make sense, my child. She is pregnant." Carla informed her student and Wendy huffed. "I mean the one from her belly. There are three heartbeats coming from her." Wendy announced, making the five others freeze around her. 

After I noticed everyone was watching us with an uneasy look, I saw something behind them. "We're here!" I cheered, jumping up and running to the bow of the ship, leaning on the railing. "Come on Wendy! Make us go faster!" I shouted over the wind, pulling my hair behind my ear. "But, Lucy-san, it will make you ill!" She shouted back, but insist with a glare. She turns around and does a sky dragon roar and we go skimming along the ocean water like a peddle on a lake. 

At Caracole Island, we went straight to our client's residence, a resort on the opposite side of the island. We arrived at dusk and Natsu and I hadn't talked throughout the coach ride. The owner of the resort greeted us with a smile in the lobby. "Thank you so much for coming this far! I am Elliot Romarno, the manager. We have set up some rooms for you and all your expenses have been paid for. Now please, let us talk somewhere more private." The young, handsome man shook each other hands with a winning smile. Every girl's in our group eyes glittered as he guided us to a conference room leading off the lobby. 

Apparently, a ghost has been terrifying the guests at the resort and its bad for business. The client thinks it's a local trying to get tourists away, so it's our job to find out who it is. We are given separate rooms, but Natsu, when calling ahead, said about our relationship and we were given a room for two. "Wendy and I will share. She doesn't like to sleep alone." Making up a quick excuse and hugging our younger teammate. "Oh? I thought there was a couple within your group?" He cocked his head as he led us to the house we are staying it. There are separate houses in the resort. "Wendy and I are sharing the master suite! Come on, Wendy, let's go check out the house!" I cheered, ignoring the handsome man and grabbing Wendy's hand, running off with our keycard in hand

As the rest of the group blankly watched their friends disappear into the dim lighting of the resort park, Natsu grumbled under his breath. "She's a fire whip, isn't she?" Elliot chuckled, turning from watching the busty blonde to inspecting her group of friends. "Sorry, she's very excitable lately. We promise we won't make any noise to disturb the other guests." Erza timidly bowed with a blur of red on her cheeks from making eye contact with the manager. "There is no need to worry, my dear. There are sound barriers between each lot, so make all the noise you must. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go oversee some resort business." I bowed and the boys waved him away dismissively. "Well, he sure is handsome." Carla fanned her face with her paw, Happy growing angry beside her. "I agree. He is very nice to look at." Erza, still in a trance, stood up straight, glaring a hole into the door so she could get one more glimpse as him. "Let's just go to our rooms. I'm tired." Gray frowned, looking into his future sleep without his loved one beside him like she normally is. "Did you see how he was looking at Luce? I'm going to go punch his lights out!" Natsu roar, a fire fist appearing as a smashing a display Star Mango on the end table beside him. "No, you are not! You need to concentrate on making up with Lucy." Erza commanded, easily holding him back from going on a rampage. "What do you mean?" Natsu calmed in an instance, the mention of his lover a distraction for everything in his life. "You haven't talked ever since we got off the ship! She's obviously pissed at you, fire brains!" Gray announced furiously, Erza quickly stepping in between the two rivals before they could start an argument. "He's right, Natsu." Carla nodded in agreement, her stone face freezing over once again. "But!-" Not being able to think of anything for his favour, he looked to his best friend. "Sorry, Natsu." Happy dropped his head in defeat, knowing that he had to take initiative this time. "I'll do it tomorrow. It's late." And with that, he went down the same path Wendy and Lucy had escaped through previously. 

Throughout the night, I repeatedly had to get up and out of bed to either puke or pace around the room, thinking of Natsu. "Lucy-san, what's wrong?" Wendy groaned from the expansive, comfy bed, rolling over with her hair sticking out in all directions. The bed was too cold for me, I didn't have the usual furnace sleeping beside me. "Nothing, Wendy. Go back to sleep." I quickly rejected her help before running to the bathroom once again. When I came out again, Wendy had a cup of something warm in her hand. "It'll help with the nauseousness. Drink up." She told me with a smile, the light by the bed lighting up her face and half of the room. "I'm sorry for waking you up Wendy. I just have a lot on my mind lately." I took the cup and slowly sipped it. "Mm, that good. What's in it?" I asked, drinking the rest immediately. Ever since I found out I was pregnant I had a craving I could not fill, but this did the trick. "Nectar from the Ice Fire Lily. It increases stamina for Ice and Fire Dragons. It also helps that your an Earth Dragon." Wendy informed me as she poured more from a teapot not far away. Carla was still sleeping on the third pillow of the bed, purring as she breathed out. "Cool." I shrugged off my worries and pulled my legs up onto the bed, leaning on the headrest. "Lucy-san, I need to tell you something." Wendy approached me with a soft hand on my own, taking the cup from me. "What is it?" I crossed my brows suspiciously, which I had been doing a lot this evening. "It might be a lot for you to take in right now, with everything that's happening, but it's about the baby." She said in a serious tone that scared me. There's something wrong with the baby? Tears grew in my eyes at all the possibilities that flooded my mind. "Or should I say, babies." She added at the end after seeing my worried expression, my whole body freezing over. "I-I'm having twins?" I asked after a long moment's thought, watching her head bob up and down slowly in a nod. "I thought you already knew. You were worried why you were so grown this early?" She asked as I nodded. "I'm sorry, Lucy-san. I should have told you sooner. I'm sure Natsu knows as well." She said and I felt the tears grow. "H-How could he know?" I stuttered out, standing up. "Well, because you didn't use your dragon slayer powers for a long period, it will probably take you a long time to get used to listening for heartbeats and breathing, but while you were gone, all the dragon slayers in Fairytail did was practice on their senses. We wanted to be able to sense you from a long distance, Natsu much more. I'm sure Gajeel and Laxus know as well." She said and I almost lost my balance. Is that why Laxus suggested I go on the mission and why Natsu didn't want me to go? And why he got so angry at me. Why wouldn't anyone tell me? I thought, looking down at my hands. "And I shouted at him." I choked up, cupping my eyes so Wendy wouldn't see me crying. Of course, she could smell them so she kneeled down beside me and pulled me close. "It's alright, Lucy-san. I'm sure he understands." She pats my head like my mother used to do when I was young. "How could I have been so ignorant. I'm going to be an awful mother." I cried even harder once my biggest fear became a reality. "That is a complete lie!" Carla roared from the edge of the bed where she had been watching us from for a long time now. She looked almost angry from my confession. "She's right, Lucy-san. You're going to be a great mom. I mean, you protected Lord Yamanokami-san for a whole year and survived a satanic ritual." Wendy admitted and I laughed pathetically. "I have never lived alone, throughout my life I've had guardian after guardian. And no one ever came to the temple." I chuckled, remembering my training under the care of all my masters. It feels like an eternity since I saw Lord Yama. "Lucy, you are the direct descent of Goddess Elsa. Suck it up and believe in yourself." Giving me some tough love, Carla lightly smacked my cheek. "You're right, I'm sorry guys." I sighed, knowing I'm not a child anymore. "It's alright, Lucy-san. It's probably the hormones, you just need some sleep." Wendy helped me stand up and I smiled at her. "Agreed. Come on." I smiled and got into bed, snuggling up in the thick covers and immediately falling asleep.

I slept soundly until the morning, where I was rudely awoken by the feeling of a menagerie in my stomach.

(Hi guys, it's been forever, I'm sorry it's taken so long. I'm working on some other stuff but I won't release them before I finish this and two other books. So, just a heads up, this books might be finishing soon. I'm sorry, I just can't think of anything to write and I can't do domestic life in my stories, I just get bored. Thank you so much for reading and I'll try to be more frequent!)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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