Chapter 6

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Lucy's PoV

After talking to Lord Yama as if we were old friends, I headed back with everyone to the guild, like nothing happened. I had a bag of possessions thrown over my shoulder as I skipped ahead of everyone. They were all in deep thought by the time we got to the end of the mountain, that's when I decided it was a good time to speak up. Any type of civilization was miles away from here, so it would take a while to get to transportation. "So, what're you thinking about?" I asked awkwardly. I hadn't talked to these people in over a year, and as much as I wanted to know what was going on with the guild, I still had no reason why they were here in the first place. "What're we thinking about? What're we thinking about?! What the hell do you think Luce?! You've been missing for more than a year. Then we find you at some old geezer's shrine! You faint, and when the old man tells us what's happening, he dies! Then you come back to life, bring the lord back to life and start acting bubby bubby with him! And you're asking what we're thinking about?!" Natsu explodes, not sure out of frustration, jealousy, or him just being plain old Natsu. I took a deep breath to calm my racing heart. I had seem him fighting many times, and he was very similar to Jack in a sense. 

But I had never been of the receiving end of his fury. "Do you know the name Jack Frost?" I asked, sitting on a nearby rock as the others stared at Natsu with disbelief, their attention soon drawn to me. "Jack Frost? You mean the guy from the fairy tale mom used to tell us?" Gray thought aloud, walking over and sitting across from me. "I know him! Grandeeney used to tell me stories about the ice dragon king!" Wendy cheered innocently, coming to sit beside me. Erza and Natsu came over quietly, the exceeds sitting on their owners' laps, and I continued the story. "Jack Frost was the Ice Dragon King during the war against humans and dragons living together in peace. Unfortunately, his democratic politics led the Ice clan to the Dragons ruling side. He was a very strong leader and furious king, but he had one weakness." I started off, pulling Wendy onto my lap. "What was it? A special sword? Armour?" Erza asked, going for the more obvious reasons. I laughed lightheartedly, it would have been so much simpler if that were the case. "At the same time, the Ice Goddess Elsa was a thriving queen. Her kingdom had flourished from a 'human goes first' society to a place where monsters, humans, dragons and anything alike can live in peace. Together. Of course, she was on the harmony side." I stared up at the sky, remember the beauty of her land. "The Dragon King and Goddess Queen were lovers for long before the war, although it was highly illegal at the time. Many didn't approve of there of their relationship. Including the Fire Dragon King, Sky Dragon Queen, and Iron Dragon King." I added. "That's Igneel, Grandeeney, and Metalicana..." Natsu led off, realisiation hitting him square in the face. "Grandeeney was close friends with the both of them, so she wasn't open about it, but the boys liked to speak their minds." I laughed sadly, remembering nights of screaming with both dragons. "When the war started, they were ripped apart. There was no way they were ever going to see each other again. So, no night, the Goddess got a letter." I took in a shaky, deep breath, reminded of the pain Elsa must have felt. "The Dragon King was killed." Wendy cut in. She must have heard the story many times as well. "By a special dagger made by his own hands. The Tōshō Dagger." Wendy continued. "Correct Wendy! Although Jack liked his cheesy saying, he still called it The Frostbite Dagger." I shook my head with a small smile. "Why don't you continue Wendy." I suggested. I knew everything on Elsa's side of the story, but Jack's was still a bit foggy. "Jack Frost told Metelicana and Igneel to use the blade to kill him. It was his final wish. And, although hesitant to kill their friend, the dragons killed  him." Wendy agreed. "Afterwards, Igneel and Metelicana sent the dagger and a letter to Elsa. But all I know that happened after that is that she killed herself." Wendy sniffed. It was indeed a sad tale. "When Elsa got the letter, all her people had abandoned her long ago and she was hiding away in a secret chamber in her castle. Driven insane due to grief, she killed herself." Gray repeated the story our mom would repeat every night when we were altogether. "That isn't exactly true." I drew attention back to myself. "The Dragon King asked her to kill herself if she wanted to be with him for eternity. She did so. But not solely for that purpose. The Dragon King had sacrificed himself to create the first dragon slaying magic. So the queen followed." I informed, still confused to why she would kill herself for her soulmate. Surely you would live for them, not die? "When their magics traveled to newborns, the earth,to future generations, the magics evolved into the different types we have today." I finished. 

"You sure do know a lot more than mom used to tell us." Gray raised an eyebrow. "I didn't know you loved the story so much." I started laughing nervously after his comment. "Gray, queen Elsa. She's our ancestor." I smiled uneasily at him, not knowing how he'd take it. Everyone froze as he screamed a 'what' in surprise. "On dad's side. I'm her descendant. It's why I had Ice God Slayer magic when I arrived here. Also why I survived the sacrifice. And why my hair's white right now." I picked up a lock of that coloured hair. "Oh, and Natsu's Jack Frost's descendant. Although not by blood, but by magic." I looked over to him, now it was his turn to scream. (He's not a demon in this.) His jaw fell to the floor. When he realised our situation, he blushed. "Damn perv." Gray muttered, knocking him off his rock seat with a punch to his thick skull. "So, you know everything... because you remember it from her memories?" Erza questioned as Natsu chased Gray around, Happy flying after, so we all had to start walking again. "Yeah. When I passed out." I subconsciously held where the dagger had impaled me in both lives. The exact same place. I could still feel it there. "Does it still hurt, Lucy-san?" Wendy looked up worriedly, drawing me back to reality. "Oh! Haha, no. Just a bit hungry, that's all." I waved it off as nothing, but I could slowly feel pain growing in that area. It won't be a lasting effect, I'll just have to deal with it for now. I thought. 

Yet, little did I know, something was still there. And it was growing.

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