Chapter 17

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It's been a month since the others found out and I'm starting to grow a baby bump. Natsu moved in with me so he could always be there for him when I needed. 

It was early in the morning and suddenly I felt super nauseous, so I ran to the bathroom, probably waking Natsu up in the process. I don't need to describe what happened in the bathroom, but Natsu came to comfort me soon enough.

After that fiasco, I showered and changed while waiting for Natsu to get ready himself. I was looking in the mirror waiting for him to finish up in the bathroom as I noticed something. "Do I look too fat for one and a half months?" I thought aloud, looking at myself side on and straightening my back. "I think you look gorgeous." Natsu surprised me by snaking his arms around my waist, hair still damp and towel around his own waist. "Thank you, Natsu." I sighed, not completely believing him as he kissed my cheek. "Hurry up and get ready or I'll leave you behind." Taking his hands off my stomach, I got out of the embrace and went to the kitchen for leftover food from the night before. "I thought you said we were having breakfast at the guild?" Natsu asked as he grabbed a shirt from his side of the closet and throwing it on. "Yeah, and?" I questioned, getting sassy for no reason what so ever. "And nothing. I'm going to go get dressed." Putting his hands up defensively, taking the rest of his attire to the bathroom. I happily ate my fried chicken while waiting for my boyfriend.

After that, we went to the guild and I went straight to the missions board without greeting anybody. "Natsu, what're you planning?" I overheard Erza ask Natsu as they sat at the usual team table. "I swear to Mavis, Natsu. If you're thinking of putting my niece or nephew and my sister in danger I will beat you to a pulp." Gray started preparing for battle while standing on the table, Juvia watching him lovingly. "I don't know what she's doing either! But I'm too scared to ask. She started throwing up this morning." Natsu sighed as I huffed, not finding a hard enough mission on the usual board and going to the SClass one. "Lucy! What're you doing?" Natsu ran after me following Erza's threatening. "Finding a mission, what else?" I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. "Then why don't we go back downstairs, I'm sure there are some simple ones we can do that don't involve any danger." Natsu looked up at the small board of five difficult requests, my eyes twinkling in wonder of where they'll take us. "I feel in the mood for a challenge. And these will give me some. Like this!" I cheered, finding a mission about killing some sort of lake monster. "You'll do great on that one, Lucy!" Laxus spoke up from his usual dark spot and we span around. "See Natsu! Someone trusts me. Thanks, Laxus!" I cheered and ran back downstairs. "What did you do that for!" Natsu shouted, getting the entire attention of the guild as I ran to Mira. "Would you rather it be you she beats up?" Laxus replied, not something everyone could here. The next moment, Natsu appeared beside me nervously. "We'll take this quest please!" I cheered, showing it to Mira. My aura was a little scary and she quickly took the request and stamped it without reading it. "Come on guys! We're going on a mission!" I shouted at our team and everyone got up, not knowing what it was. 

"It feels like a lifetime since we've been on a good mission!" Happy cheered, all of us walking out of the guild. "It has definitely been a long time." Erza nodded as Gray bruited to himself, Juvia not here to calm him down. "This is going to be so much fun! Come on, we have to go to Caracole Island! Maybe we can take a vacation after?" I thought aloud, going straight to the docks while Erza, somehow, had packed everything for us already. "I wonder if we can get some Star Mangos. I hear there to die for." Erza also commented. "Wait, does that mean we have to go by boat?" Wendy asked, making her and Natsu freeze. "We have to get there somehow. And this is the only way." I shrugged, forgetting what motion sickness felt like. "But Luucccceeee." Natsu cried, hugging me. "Natsu! We're sailing there. And there's nothing you can do about it!" 

Sickness. That's all I felt on the boat. My stomach was tossing and tumbling all over the place. "Why did we have to take a boat!" I cried out, my head hanging over the side. "I told you!" Natsu shouted back, hanging over the opposite side of the boat. "It must be worse for Lucy-san. Seeing as she's pregnant." Wendy sighed, a little less sick than the rest of us. "Do you have to be so loud! It's hot enough as it is and you're annoying me!" Gray grumbled, making me glare at him. "Come on Lucy. You should be inside." Erza spoke softly and put my arm over her shoulder, taking me inside to die. 

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