Normal doesn't fit me

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Authors Note: Just to clear something up, Aaron doesn't really owe Blake money. He said that so Hailey wouldn't keep asking. Okay well That's about it. Chow.

Hailey's Prov:

 I sat up and went out back where Aaron and I usually sat. When I got back there I was surprised when he wasn't there. Maybe he went home. It was Friday anyways, I could just call him. Wait, did he have a phone? Um, I don't think he ever gave me his number. I sighed and sat down. The school day went by slowly and finally it ended. When I was heading to my car I heard:

"Hailey, What are you doing this weekend?" Courtney asked.

"I told my mom I'll help her clean." I lied.

"The whole weekend?" 

"Ya, pretty much." 

I got into my car and drove away. Thankfully, Courtney wasn't the brightest and she probably wouldn't realize I was blowing her off. I went to Taco Bell for some food. Afterwords, I went home. I actually cleaned my room which was rare. Before I knew it, it was eleven at night so I went to bed. 

The next morning I got up around noon. I walked into the kitchen, made some coca puffs and headed to the couch. I turned on the tv still have asleep. It was on the local news. Looking at the tv I was shocked, so shocked I spit out my mouth full of cereal. On the television was a boy robbing a bank. The camera crew could see him through a window. He was looking out of it, gun in hand. The news reporter said there was at least fifteen hostages.  Even worse than that it was Aaron. 


Aaron's Prov: ( Friday at lunch)

Sitting down I noticed someone walking towards me. I was glad to see Hailey coming out, it had been boring without her. As the figure got closer I realized it was to large to be her. Once he was standing in front of me I saw it was Blake.

"What do you want?" I questioned standing up.

"Getting your ass."


" Would I get you if I didn't need you?!"  

I shrugged. "You do alot of stupid ass shit." 

"Shut the fuck up" He said grabbing my shirt and pulling me with me.

By this point I knew resisting him would just cause me more pain. He brought me to his place. The last time I had been here was when my sister and me tried to escape. He pushed me onto the couch. Two really big guys sat down beside me, making sure I wouldn't leave. 

"Know, where gonna show you how tomorrow will play out. Got it?"

I nodded  waiting for him to continue. 

"I'm going to try and make this as simple as possible. You go into a bank. Rob it, but make sure your caught."

"First off,Why would I want to get caught?! Secondly, I'm not robbing a bank!" I interjected.

"First off, Shut the hell up. I'll get there. Secondly, No one fucking cares Jennings!" He told me using my last name." Now once your caught you'll go to jail and then your gonna break everyone out." 

"How the hell am I going to break everyone out?!" I questioned.

"Easy with this." He said holding up a small explosive, no bigger than a cap on a two-litter of coca-cola. 

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