Prison, Past and Present.

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Authors Note: Sorry for all of the resent chapters to be from Aaron's Prov. It's just he's one of the main character and I need to give incite into him. So don't be surprised that this chapter is from his point of view too. I'd love if any of you all have suggestions or guesses what happens next.                                    

Aarons Prov:--------------------------(Flashback)-----------------------------------------------------------------------

Criminal, Delinquent, Thug. I guess that's what I am. If it wasn't I wouldn't be going here.  Prison has always been considered for awful people but that's not necessarily true. Sure there is ALOT of bad people there. Not everyone is bad though, some have just made mistakes. 

The bus to the prison was full. I was nervous about going. I was sat at the back of the bus. I looked at the other passengers. Everyone was at least two feet taller than me and they all seemed older. I suppose that's because not many fifteen year olds go to prison. The only people that weren't prisoners on the bus was the bus driver and one guard. The guard was standing at the door of the bus, he couldn't even see anyone from there. As soon as the bus started moving the prisoners rearranged. At least half the bus looked back at me. I felt my face turning red. I'm pretty sure I was shaking too. These people freaked me out. They all crowded closer towards the back. Oh God, They were going to kill me.

"Whatcha in for?" One man asked. 

I turned my head both ways. Everyone was watching me. Was he talking to me?

"Me? I breathed pointing towards my chest.

"Yes, now what did'cha do to get it the pin?" He asked again.

"I didn't do shit." I told him flatly.

"If that were true, you wouldn't be here." Another spoke out.

"Then how come I'm sitting here." I responded coldly.

"Whatever man." The first said waving me off.

I turned and faced out the window. Although they didn't seem that bad, I was still nervous. The rest of the bus ride went by smoothly. We got to the prison and unloaded. Walking in a line past the prison yard made me uncomfortable. All the prisoners kept whistling and eyeing us all like fresh meat. 

"Aaron?" I heard. 

Turning I saw someone familiar. "Micheal?" 

"Aw, Hell Man. How'd you end up here?" He asked giving me a fist-pound through the fence. 

"I'll explain later."

"Alrite, What section you in?"

"13, you?" 

"4. Wait did you say your in 13?!"

"Ya, why?"

"The sections go from small vandalism-1 to serial killers-14. Your up in the big leagues kid."

"Oh.. Well I'll catch'a later." I said while the guard pushed me forward.

Ya, I know. It's pretty bad when within the first ten minutes of being in a prison you recognize someone, but Micheal is cool. He's just into some bad things. By that I mean he's a drug addict, yup you name it he's tried it. He's probably here for possession of some sort of illegal drug. Micheal's probably around twenty-seven. He has short brown hair and brown eyes to match even though there usually red. He's always pale and sickly looking from the drugs. Sometimes he is shaky or twitchy. He's always been nice to me though.

 All of us newcomers were inspected, making sure we didn't have any weapons or whatever reason it's for. It seemed outrageous to me. We were given our jumpsuits and showed to our cells. We started in section one and went up from there. I noticed, like Micheal said the higher the number the worse the criminal looked. By the time we were done at twelve, there were only two of us. Me of course and one very violent looking giant. I was shown to my cell and the other guy kept going to fourteen. I turned and faced me cell-mate. At first glance, I was relieved. He wasn't a super giant, muscley, numbskull. He was defiantly older than me and taller but not a muscle-builder. He smiled at me and I swear I almost peed myself. He was, no doubtably, a psychotic. His smile gave it away, it was creepy. He looked like a mass-murder from that show Criminal Minds. 

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