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We walk about the neighborhood, talking and laughing. By the time we get back to Kelsie's house it's getting dark. Then I notice something weird.

"Hey, Kelsie, why isn't Terri's van here?"

"Maybe they went somewhere..."

"But then why..." Does it feel so empty?

"Here, let's go check. The garage is always open." We walk around the glum blue garage till we find the door. I open it. Empty. "They wouldn't just-"

"Terri and Sabrina wouldn't but Michael on the other hand..." Kelsie shook her head vigorously.

"No, they wouldn't- she wouldn't- I mean-"

I simply hug Kelsie. This is not a moment for low-key hitting on her, so I didn't. I wasn't even really tempted to. It felt like there was two options of what to say right now and so I picked.

"Hey, I know what you probably feel right now and no. You're not alone. You still have me. And I don't have a douche for a guardian." She giggles, but still seems sad. [I mean of course she is! Her girlfriend just moved away with her psycho uncle!]

"Your right, but... How is that going to work? We won't be able to talk-"

"Why not?"

"Michael would flip the fuck out if he knew they had Facebook." Kelsie reminded me. I hum in response feeling a spike of anger drilling itself into my soul. I mean, yeah I should be happy, you know, more of a chance for Kalex and all, but... Kelsie's hurt because of it so...

"It'll be okay." I lie. I know it won't. Not in this this world.

"Don't. That's too cliche even for a story Terri could make. If she made a story for us, it would include that." She raises the side of her mouth in a pathetic try for a smile.

Two new choices pop up in my mind. And I choose one once again. The right one.

"Kelsie, I can help you get Terri back." I sigh. She looks up in surprise.

"Wow, you humans make more sacrifices than I suspected. Quite the interesting species. Good job, Alexandra. You passed the test. You deserve life," a man's voice spoke from Kelsie's mouth.

Then I opened my eyes.

Stay alive.
For I have more short and stupid chapters for you to read some day!

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