Another Cheesy Date

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Some messages_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-

Kelsie: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

Alex: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb, what?

Kelsie: Are you busy this weekend?

Alex: Um, no... I'm actually off of work for once.

>Why b?

Kelsie: Becaaaauuussseee!

>Will you do me the honors of going on our second date Saturday?

Alex: Of course b!

>What're we doing?

Kelsie: That's a surprise, love.


Kelsie stepped out of the shower feeling clean and not like a piece of shit for the first time today. Maisie hadn't stopped commenting on Kelsie's distinct baby vomit smell until Kelsie finally went to the bathroom to shower before her date.


"HOLY SHIZZ NIPS! My date starts in-" She checks her realistically small black phone. "14 minutes?!"

Kelsie dressed in her planned outfit in a rush, hoping it wasn't inside out or anything. That'd really set the mood for their date.
Kelsie rushed out the door with the basket she had gotten ready earlier. Oh crap. Am I going to be able to pull this off? She hurries down the street and to the place she told Alex to meet her at.
Alex bites her lip as she walks through the woods. Why would a date be in here? Either way she hoped she was dressed appropriately; She's​ wearing a black shirt with a flannel covering it, black skinny jeans, a tattoo choker, and black combat boots. Her normal 'emo' look.
"Hey, babes," Kelsie's voice surprises Alex out of her daze.
"Oh, hi, Kelsie. What's out here, in the middle of the woods?"
"Why don't you see for yourself?" Alex steps around Kelsie and gasps. From the trees hung lit candles and in the middle sat a blanket with food sitting in the open and very appetizing; a salad.
"Salad, really?" Alex giggles. Kelsie looks over at Alex in distress.
"I can go get something else..?"
"No, no it's good! I love it!" Alex smiles and sits down on the blanket. She pats the spot next to her and smiles at Kelsie. Kelsie sits down and smiles nervously at Alex. "Why are you nervous? It's our second date not our first, so..."
"This is different. Our first date was a movie where we didn't talk. This is about two hours of talking before the last surprise. How are we supposed to talk for two hours if we already know everything about each other?"
"How about we talk about something deep?"
**Two hours later after about 6 existential crisis.**
"Now what are we doing?"
"It's a surprise!" Kelsie exclaims, pulling Alex through the woods. Then they pause in an open meadow. "Now look up."
Alex looks up at the sky and sees a beautiful full moon sharing an endless sky with hundreds of differently lit stars.
Alex looks back down at Kelsie with wide eyes. "I didn't know that the sky could look like that."
"I was betting on that." Kelsie smiles. Alex shakes her head before pulling Kelsie into a slow, passionate kiss. Alex has her kinks but there are moments that just calls for love and passion; this is one of those moments.
"Oh, fancy meeting you two here, you faggots."

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