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~Time skip to September 12~

"Look at these shoes! Aren't they just gorgeous?!" Kelsie asked in a clearly awed voice. Alex laughed.

"You know, I don't think anyone loves their shoes like you do." Alex stated. Kelsie nodded.

"Everyone knows that. I know that, you know that." Kelsie says in a matter-of-fact tone. Alex laughed.

"Do you love them more than me?" Alex asked. Kelsie looked as if she was thinking very hard.



"No. Of course not." Kelsie said. Alex laughed again but this time Kelsie joined. They walked into the school holding hands, like they always did [dunno if that true or not but whatever] but this time they noticed many people staring, so Kelsie let go of Alex's hand.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked, concerned.

"Don't tell me you don't notice people staring at us." Kelsie whispered. Alex looked around as if she hadn't really noticed the people.

"You're right." Alex said in confused tone.

"Of course I am but why?" Kelsie inquired. It seemed like everyone was staring, the varied color hues seemingly glued to them. They watched the people who watched them, wondering why this was happening. They were just the same as last year outwardly. The small circle knew that they liked each other more than just friends. So why?

A boy by the name of Jason walked up to them. "Hey guys."

The girls stared at him in confusion. Jason was boy known only to talk to his friends and people who talk to him. Period. No one else, no exceptions. Until now, of course.

"So are you two a thing?" He asked bluntly. Kelsie's eyes widened while Alex mouth popped open. "Guessing that's a no. So why is there a picture everywhere of you two spooning?"

"WHAT?!" spluttered Alex. Kelsie recovered.

"What do you mean?" Kelsie asked in a dead calm voice.

"Here." Jason handed them his phone. Sure enough, there was a picture of them, asleep and spooning.

"Where'd you get this?" asked Alex.

"Off of Maisie's Snapchat story." He replied. That was enough for Kelsie. She stalked off down the hallway to her locker, so she could get to class.

But after school....

Maisie was going to get talked to.

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