Is This Our Last Resort?

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So sorry, I'm writing this on Wii U so ignore the suckiness.


I wait nervously for Alex to arrive. I didn't like lying but I know I'm going to if she asks if anyone is messing with me. Boys laugh at me and girls make kissy faces at me, sometimes they'd take time to verbally assault me. But at least Alex is okay! Right? I sigh. A knock at the door throws me back into reality. I get up and open the front door, smiling at the short hair girl in front of me.

"Hey, babes." I say casually, opening the door wider, inviting Alex in.

"Hi," she replied shortly. I cock my head to the side.

"Are you okay, Alex?"

"Yeah, of course!" she turned toward me with a pained smile. Why is she lying to me?


"Oh hey, I wanted to call Terri and Sabrina, so we can talk. Haven't seen them since they moved..." she trailed off.

"Yeah, uh, okay. We can try to call them on Facebook," I got my chromebook out and sat on the couch. I patted the seat beside me, Alex hesitantly lowered herself onto the couch. I logged into the social media and saw that Terri's online. I asked her if I could call and she said yes.

"Hey, Turri!" Alex and I said in unison as the blonde/orange/brown haired girl came on the screen.

"Hey, my OTP. How's it been going?" she said her eyes seeming to sparkle. [leave me alone! Terri be thinking about Septiplier] 

"Fine. We've been great!" my voice straing to sound happy. Her eyes narrowed.

"Don't lie to me. I will use my awesomeness to learn the truth." Terri responded crossing her arms. "I will wait around till you say what's going on."

Silence surrounded us as she waited. Terri, we're fine. Honestly," said Alex. "What about you? How are you?"

"Just peachy. If you're going to lie to me and change the subject... Be more smooth about it. By the way, Alex, you're nose is bleeding. And I see the bruise on your arms. What happened? Oh wait, let me guess, 'Nothing. I don't have a bruise. Must be the lighting.' Bye, you two. I'm going back to important things such as Joshler fanfics or perhaps Malec... OH NO PHANFICS HERE I COME!" Just like that she hung up and Alex ran to get a tissue. She tilted head back and held the tissue gently to her nose. Her arms bare and under our lights I could see what Terri was saying. New bruises covered her arms like paint.

"Alex, what are these?"


"No dip, Sherlock. Where'd you get them?" I asked a concerned edge to my tone.

She hesitates before replying. "I'm not going to lie; it's too hard. Octavian beat me up today."

"He did?! Why?"

"Dating a girl, why else?"

"Why lie to me?" I furrowed my brows. Did she not trust me?

"I did not lie! I just... didn't tell you when I had the chance. But! But at least you aren't getting bullied, right? I can tough it out. We can-"

"Hey, Kelsie! Did you get any death threats today? I still have the other notes!" Maisie yelled from her room.

"Dammit," I mutter.

"Death threats?! You've been getting threats? Now, who was lying?" Alex tutted. I opened my mouth to reply but had no words so I shut it with an audible snap. "This is really what we've come to? Lying and arguing? Is this REALLY our last resort? Keeping things from each other, so the other can be 'happy'? Should we even be together?"

"Alex, I-"


Stay street and stay alive.


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