Squad Goals

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Kelsie sat nervously on her couch, listening to the chorus of voices that was her family. She tapped her foot, she was waiting for Alex. Today was their first date and Alex was going to pick her up and go see the newest movie Suicide Squad.

Their original plan to see this movie was to bring all their friends and fangirl/boy over it together, but everyone had canceled. Well, everyone except Alex canceled.

A knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. She jumped up, running to the door, pushing her sister Maisie out of the way so Maisie couldn't answer the door. There stood Alex in a skeleton tank top, red shorts, and black Toms. They smiled at each other for a moment before speaking.

"So... Let's watch the fuck out of Suicide Squad!" Kelsie said awkwardly. Alex laughed.

"Great plan, Kelsie." Alex said sarcastically.

"Okay, let's go." Kelsie said stepping outside.

"Bye Ginger!" Alex called out to Kelsie's mother.

"Bye!" A chorus of voices yell from inside.

~Timeskip to after the movie~

"Oh my God! It was so good!" Alex said happily. Kelsie nodded in agreement, but something had caught her eye. A very familiar beanie.

"Terri?" Kelsie asked. The culprit wearing the neon pink beanie turned around looking defeated. "What're you doing here? Are you here with Sabrina and Michael?"

"Guys they caught us!" Terri said looking behind her. A group of people stepped out from behind some bushes. Kelsie stared in shock at them. It was their friends that canceled; Connor, Jessica, Sabrina, and Terri.

"Okay, before you get mad-" Sabrina was interrupted.

"You guys canceled! What happened to work, sickness, and being grounded?" Alex asked angrily. Jessica said she had to work, Connor said he was sick, and Terri and Sabrina had said they were grounded.

"WELL, we thought... ThatyouguyswouldliketogoonyourfirstdateImeanweallknowsomethinghappenedtheotherday!" Connor said quickly, but Kalex still caught on. (Yes, I put Kalex in purposely) They both stared wide eyed at their friends.

"ANYWHORE! You guys have fun!" Terri yelled and then ran off in the direction of Jessica's car. The others except Jessica followed in suit.

"Bye guys, love you!" Jessica said walking away. 

"Well, that was awkward..." Alex said slowly.  "Anywhore, I should get you home..." Like, she was summoned, Claudia pulled up.

"Get in you adolescents." She said smiling.

"Yeah and you should sleepover at my house." Kelsie added excitedly. Alex nodded.

"I could ask..." Alex got out her phone and quickly texted her parents. Soon enough a text was received.

"They said I could!" Alex said in surprise. Kelsie cheered, smiling widely. They pulled up to Kelsie's house.

"Thanks, Claudia!" Alex called as they got out.



So I decided that each chapter is going to be about 420 words, so I can update faster...

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