«Forbidden - 3»

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"And what if I don't?" I retorted, finding it hard to be defiant given the circumstances.

"That's fine," Amelie replied, "Although I'd put your odds of survival at around three percent if you stay here much longer." She paused to slip her own knife out of a leather sheath on her belt. "We're more than just a few protesters, throwing rocks at the manor walls. This is the first strike of a movement."

"Yeah," I scoffed. "Thanks for the offer, but I think I'd put my chances a bit higher than three. There may be something you're not quite giving me credit for."

Amelie stared me down cynically. "Perhaps," she continued. "But that's exactly why you're coming with me."

"Do you even know why?" I countered heatedly. "Or are you just blindly following orders?"

Amelie frowned. "I can trust my superiors," she replied matter-of-factly. "I don't expect you to understand, of course."

I waved the last comment away. "No," I said in a curt reply to her original statement. "I've had enough threats for one day, thanks."

"I'm not threatening you!" called Amelie as I started to head for the door, having already established the fact that she was not here to hurt me. She was nothing more than a messenger for yet another group who wanted me fighting for the beliefs of their side.

"You will," I muttered under my breath as I pushed the door open.

I had barely taken a few steps before the shadow-Amelie overtook me, attempting to grab my wrist. I wretched it away before her real form caught up. Already, I could feel the seconds of difference wear thinner and thinner. Soon they would disappear completely, and I would be left with a yet another problem.

"Well," began Amelie. "Your reflexes are quite something, at least." I remained expressionless, shoving past her. I needed to find a safe place, and fast.

"Listen to me when I'm talking!" said Amelie indignantly. I rolled my eyes.

Suddenly I felt another sharp pang in my head. I gritted my teeth, determined to not let it show. "Listen," I hissed. "You want me to come with you? Fine. But not right now. Look, you have to show me how to get out." I hoped my tone carried the pressing urgency. "It's important."

Amelie stared back at me strangely. "What the hell is wrong with you?" she asked. "This isn't an option. You're coming with me, none of this 'wait' business. The only choice you have is wether or not I knock you out first."

I whirled around, temper rising. Why was communicating always so big of a problem for me? "You don't- " Suddenly the light flashed again. I slumped to the floor once more, crying out.

"Mae?" called Amelie, startled. "Did you get hit?  What's going on?"

I inhaled through gritted teeth. "Nothing, nothing," I muttered, having myself up. "But... time is running out."

"That's not nothing!" Amelie exclaimed. "Time for what? Do you need medical help?"

My legs gave in and I stumbled, falling to the ground. I grabbed Amelie's arms for support, my fingernails leaving raw, crescent-shaped marks on her skin.

"Time, time..." I murmured, unable to concentrate enough to utter a full sentence. "Uhm..." Sparks detonated behind my eyelids. "What is... wha..."

"Mae? Mae?" I was dully aware of being shaken by the shoulders. Everything seemed to float farther and farther away, leaving me alone in a sea of pristine white.

No... The thought bubbled to the surface. Not here.

Sorry, the other side of me responded with a sneer. You don't control this.

I attempted to retaliate, to fight back. Of course I- I protested.

But that was as far as I got.

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