«Castle in the Woods - 4»

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Aurel took a seat in her usual place as Selphie began to clear off her workplace, laying out various tools and vials filled with strange liquids.

"The herbs were just temporary," started Selphie. "The thing you smelled when you first arrived. The, uh... sort of like chocolate."

Aurel nodded, watching Selphie work. Every tiny object seemed to have its own place, every detail observed with meticulous attention.

"Well," continued Selphie. "You see, I don't need them anymore." A wooden container began to roll off the table. Selphie saved it just in time, catching it in her hand. "I can recreate its effects within you with utmost ease." Selphie carefully replaced it, restoring her order. "I even can control your actions, your deep-rooted instincts, and your sense of pain. In other words..." Selphie trailed off, sweeping the area to make sure she had everything. "This won't hurt a bit." She strode to where Aurel was perched.

"Turn around please." Aurel obediently swung her legs to the other side of the bed, turning her back to Selphie. A few moments later she felt delicate fingertips brush against her back, tracing a precise line.

"Now, Aurel," began Selphie, her voice fading into a low, comforting murmur, like is always did when she was concentrating on something. "I need you to hold very, very still for me. You can do that, right?"

"Yeah," Aurel replied contentedly.

"Good girl." There was the dull ring of a knife being drawn out of a sheath. Suddenly Aurel felt the delicate touch of fabric lift itself from her body. The piece which Selphie had cut off fell away.

Something cold pressed itself against Aurel's skin, and she felt her heart jump an odd beat. She had the strangest sensation of giddiness as she listened to Selphie work, felt the various instruments glide across her skin. She lifted a tentative hand up, over her shoulder. Selphie didn't notice.

Aurel reached down further, next to where Selphie was working. Her fingertips touched her skin, yet she didn't feel them.

"Aurel..." Selphie said in her sing-song way she had of speaking. She clasped Aurel's hand, caressing her palm with her thumb, comforting her. "Trust me, Aurel." Aurel let her hand fall away, folding her arms onto her lap, but not before stealing a glance. Her fingers were coated a bright, crimson red.

Aurel lifted her hand up to her face. Blood. The word clicked into place in her head. She rubbed her fingers together, smearing the thick liquid. Blood. What does that mean?

"Um?..." Aurel started.

"Sh-shh," Selphie interrupted. "Be still. She handed her a washcloth, and watched as Aurel wiped of her fingers.

"What does blood mean?" Aurel inquired after a long silence.

"Blood is what flows inside you," began Selphie without skipping a beat. "It fills you up and gives you life."

"It's coming out," pointed out Aurel.

"Oh, I know," Selphie said, going back to her work. "It's ok. I'm making you better. And for that, this has to happen." She brushed Aurel's hair over her shoulder, out of her way.

"Better how?" pressed Aurel.

"Well," replied Selphie. She paused for a moment, glancing over to the birdcage in the corner.

"Have you ever wanted to fly?"

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