Chapter 13.

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Nothing to say. Oh, wait! BIG secrets revealed in number 13. And we're focussing on the minor characters a bit more (so not much Klaine, unfortunately. But you need all this knowledge!


Lyla Anderson was at home again. She didn't mind, it was her favourite place. Blaine was fast asleep upstairs, and Lyla was awaiting a very important call.

She waited 5, 10, 15 minutes...


Lyla answered the telephone.


"Lyla? That you?"

"Who else would it be?"

"Well, I have good news. Great news."

"Oh, really? What is this great news?"

"Blaine was visiting Kurt yesterday, and I walked in on them kissing. A lot."

"YES!!!! Oh, sorry. Screamed in your ear, didn't I?"

"Yes. But I don't mind, this news deserves celebration."

"Absolutely. so, you think we should tell them?"

"Tell them what?"

"That we were behind this whole thing. That you got Lacey put in Kurt's room on purpose."

"Oh, Lyla... We don't tell them that. Yet."

"So when do we?"

"Well, it'll make a great story at their wedding."

"Okay, I gotta go now. It's like, 1am."

"Okay. Bye!"


Lyla and Nurse C. both hung up the phones, glowing with success.


Lacey Anderson ran along the streets of Westerville, knowing she was late home. She had been at a welcome-home party held by all of her friends. Her parents were the strict kind, and they wouldn't be happy.

She was home in record time, but not quick enough. Her parents were there, disapproving looks fixed on their faces.

The lecture she received was rather a standard one. If you've ever been lectured for "lateness, irresponsibility, disregard of rules, etc etc etc" then you get the idea.

Lacey eventually got tired of the biting criticisms. "It's not as if I ran off to join a Rocky Horror stage show! I was with my friends, who you know and trust and approve of!"

"Do not talk back to your parents, young lady!"

"You never let me do anything! I'm twelve years old, not a little baby! And besides, in all the time I was in hospital, you never visited me once. You know who did visit me, Mother, Father? Blaine did. He was there every day, talking to me and being nice. And he told me the truth."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about how your rants about Blaine being a juvenile delinquent weren't true in the least. He didn't run away, you kicked him out. And I know why, too. It's because-"

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are your parents and you have no right to talk to us like this!"

Lacey made a derisive sound and stormed up to her room.

Mr. and Mrs. Anderson assumed she was going to sulk or fall asleep.

Neither of them suspected she was going to her room to pack.


Giant cliffhanger again! Why do I do this? And I wrote this chapter in 16 minutes, new record! does it read like a first draft, do you think?

*shamelessly begs for comments*

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