Chapter Four.

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  • Dedicated to My non-Wattpad best friend.

You finally get your Klaine! Hope it was worth the wait.

Kurt froze when Blaine turned to him.

Surely he can't be looking at me...

But those colourful eyes were pointing in Kurt's direction. Kurt couldn't resist. He looked straight into them.

Oh My God... hazel gold chocolate caramel sunshine earth green grass lush toffee delicious almond nectar lovely can't look away...

Kurt was lost. But what he didn't know was that Blaine was equally lost, and just as incoherent. green grey sky sea ice stone emerald beautiful sapphire light glass wonderful aqua gotta keep looking...

They stared into each other's eyes for a full two minutes, simply because they couldn't tear their gaze away. The moment went on forever, it was right, it was perfect.

But as all good things come to an end, this did too. Kurt managed to come to his senses, at least partially. He blushed a little, and with a superhuman effort, moved his focus to a monitor.

Blaine seemed to come back as well, and for the first time, he noticed Kurt's injuries. He couldn't help but let out a little gasp.

"Were you in a car accident?"

Upon hearing Blaine's voice, Kurt was even more captivated. With every fibre of his being, he yearned to be able to respond. Even if it was just a little shake of his head. Anything. But Kurt couldn't do anything. He just watched the monitor, afraid to look back at Blaine.

"Can you-can you hear me?"

Kurt took in a breath, steeling himself. Then, he looked back at Blaine to show that he had heard. But Kurt kept focus off Blaine's eyes. Instead, he watched Blaine's red bow tie.

Blaine took a small step closer, and another. In fact, he kept walking until he was right next to Kurt's bed.

"Were... were you in a car accident? If you were, than keep looking at me. If no, then look at something else."

Kurt was happy with this communication. In fact, his heart leapt. He wasn't totally cut off from the world after all. He switched his gaze to the monitors, signalling he wasn't in a car accident.


Blaine watched Kurt for a moment before talking again.

"You've been really hurt, haven't you? You... look like you were injured lots."

Kurt stared at Blaine again, this time sadly. He had been injured lots. He was really hurt.

Just then, Nurse C. entered the room.

"I'm sorry, Blaine, visiting hours are over. You can come back tomorrow if you like, the hours start at 11:30 in the morning."

Blaine made his way towards the door, but stopped halfway.

"Yes. I will be back tomorrow."

Then, with one fleeting look back at Kurt, so quick that Kurt couldn't even decide if it was real or not, Blaine Anderson was gone.

Nurse C. silently checked Kurt's vitals. "You're looking a bit better, honey. You might have to stay for a long time, though. Just take it easy, OK?"

Nurse C. checked Lacey, who was still sleeping soundly, and then left. Kurt was totally alone, with the exception of Lacey, and he started thinking.

Who was that? Blaine Anderson, Lacey's brother?

How did someone get such incredible eyes?

And what happened to render me speechless (well, thoughtless)?

Kurt had basically given up on love, after all that had happened. You could hardly blame him: he'd been through an ill-fated infatuation with Finn, a fleeting interest in Sam, and of course, all of that drama with David Karofsky. Though that last citation was entirely different...

No, Kurt. Think like Brittany.

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