Chapter 10.

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I think you'll like this chapter. I know I do... Oh, and Aunt Lyla makes another appearance! This chapter is mainly Blaine-centric, which is unusual for me because I'm usually so much better at writing Kurt. But this just felt right. Go with it, OK? Good.


Blaine was at his and Lyla's house, madly pacing across the carpet. He had been doing so for almost three hours. He muttered under his breath, full of pent-up energy.

Lyla entered the room, a little taken aback by Blaine's state. "What's wrong?"

"A lot of things. You want me to list them?" Blaine asked without breaking his pattern. Take four steps, turn. Take another four steps, turn. And so on.

"Sure. You need someone to talk to, I can tell. But sit down, you'll wear out the carpet."

Blaine complied, sighing. "Well, Lacey's home and I don't know what to do. I want to see Lacey again, I miss her. But even if... they were to let me in, I don't want to see them again."

Lyla nodded. "But that's not all?"

"Not even close. I told you about Kurt, right?"

"I get updates on his condition from you every single day. When my car broke down, you almost fainted because you were so worried about not seeing Kurt. And I've never met this Kurt, but Blaine, I know you.  And I can tell you're head over heels. What's going on?"

"Well... I'm pretty sure he feels the same way. We were singing together today, and... we almost kissed. But then I had to leave. But I felt it. The chemistry was everywhere. And I have to wait until tomorrow to prove it!!!!!"

"Wow, calm down. But, you know, good about you and Kurt. You've been too lonely for too long."

"I hang with Wes and David and the Warblers all of the time."

"That isn't what I meant. Just... good luck, okay? And when Kurt's better, you should bring him here. I want to meet the guy who's made you so blissfully happy this past week or so."

Blaine was stunned. "it's only been a week?

Lyla shrugged. "Give or take. Oh, did it seem like longer?"

Blaine nodded, and he saw a trace of a spark in Lyla's eye. But before he could ask, Lyla went to make dinner.


At 11:14am, Blaine was in the waiting room of the hospital, ready to go. He ignored the occasional disapproving glances from the receptionist, and watched the clock intently. He celebrated a little every time a minute ticked over, because it was a minute closer to seeing Kurt.

Little did he know, Kurt was in his hospital bed doing the exact same thing.

Tick... tick... tick... Why are the minutes passing so slowly? Are they twice as long on purpose? Will it ever be time? Tick... tick... tick...

At 11:28am, Blaine couldn't take it any more. He glided across the corridors, in search of room 64. He always kept an eye out for the watchful Nurse C., who had seemed to take a dislike to Blaine, only because he constantly disturbed her perfect routine.

46, 48, 50... Where are you, 64?

56, 58...

There! 64!

Blaine swung the door open, with a smile ready for Kurt, who Blaine was sure he loved.

But the room was cold and empty.

All of a sudden, Blaine felt the presence of Nurse C. behind him.

"Oh, Kurt was moved to another room. Number 93, it's just down the hall."

"Thanks!" Blaine was off again, energised by his love-induced rush.

79, 81, 83...

After a little while, 93 came into view. Blaine opened the door without hesitation, and smiled.

Because Kurt was there, his glasz eyes alive as ever.

"Blaine, hi! Nurse C. told you I was here, I assume?"

Blaine didn't respond. Instead, he came over to Kurt, still smiling.

"You know, we got interrupted last time I was here. Should we start over, or continue from where we left off?"

Kurt's breath caught. Blaine was so close that he could hear it. "C-continue, I think. Now where were we?"

Blaine leaned over a little more, his face just five centimetres (that's about 2 inches) away from Kurt's. "I remember. I'll show you."


I know, you hate me. But I ran out of time and wanted to post this.

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