"We aren't giving them a new coffee machine, we're giving them our baby."

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"My feet hurt and I'm so tired," Blaine whined, curling up a little in bed. Kurt laid down beside Blaine in the thankfully, large bed. He rubbed a hand along Blaine's stomach, hoping deep inside his heart that today he'd be able to feel their daughter move for the first time. "This weekend trip to New York really tired me out." Kurt nodded, rubbing around Blaine's belly button. Kurt knew they had come to the mutual decision that they'd give Elizabeth up to Burt and Carole, but Kurt still felt attached to this baby, finally. Kurt was brought out of his thoughts when he felt a tiny nudge. "Elizabeth," he whispered breathlessly. Blaine smiled sleepily, blinking a few times. "There's the princess," he said quietly, feeling a little sad. He knew the logical thing to do was give their baby to someone they knew. Kurt felt tears fill his eyes as he imagined Carole getting to hold her newborn daughter for the first time, that only led him to thinking about Finn. "Kurt, are you okay?" Blaine asked, his voice full of concern. Kurt nodded, sniffling quietly. "Just thinking about how big of a gift we're giving Carole. And my dad. We aren't giving them a new coffee machine, Blaine. We're giving them our own baby that we made together," he said quietly. "She's inside of you with a heartbeat and little legs and arms and she's breathing, she's a real living person. She's half me and half you," he whispered, rubbing Blaine's stomach again. Blaine wiped his eyes, sniffling quietly. "I know," he said, placing a hand on his swollen stomach. "They'll take care of her, protect her, love her," he whispered, looking down at his own stomach. "We can't, we can't take care of our baby, Kurt," Blaine whispered, sniffling. Kurt looked over at Blaine. "I'm taking a leave from NYADA and returning in the fall, Blaine," he finally told him. "Kurt, you can't do that," Blaine argued. "End of discussion. I want to be near my daughter and you, and it's already settled," he said firmly.

Kurt giggled wildly, continuously poking Blaine's stomach. He resituated his laptop on his chest, continuing to try to type the big paper he had due. He propped his head back up on his bed and took a deep breath, before trying to continue. "Blaine," he squealed, poking as the baby's food appeared up and poked out of Blaine's stomach a little. Kurt giggled wildly again, pressing back down on Elizabeth's foot every time she popped up to play. "Kurt, she's pressing on my bladder and you aren't helping," he said, feeling a little annoyed. "This is due, on monday, Kurt. If I flunk, I flunk," he said, setting his laptop aside. Blaine sat up, resting a hand on his stomach. "I feel like a truck," he said, looking down at his protruding stomach. Kurt lifted up Blaine's tank top, continuing to play with the baby again. Blaine let out a sigh before gently moving Kurt off and fixing his shirt before going into the bathroom to relieve himself. Kurt waited patiently, leaning back on the bed a little. Truth be told, every day spent in Lima only made Kurt fall more and more in love with their daughter. He'd even imagined keeping her and raising her in New York. Blaine came back out a little while later, setting himself back down on the bed. "This year feels like it's taking forever, being six months pregnant doesn't exactly help though," he said, stretching back out. Kurt rolled onto his stomach, resting his hand back on Blaine's stomach. He leaned over, pressing a kiss to Blaine's lips before lifting up Blaine's shirt again and pressing a few soft kisses to his stomach. He giggled again, feeling the baby kick him in the face. Blaine smiled softly, glancing back down at his engagement ring. "Blaine," Kurt said quietly. "Have you ever thought about what would happen if we raised Elizabeth in New York with us?" He finally asked. Blaine set his hand on his stomach. "Kurt, I know you better than probably anyone else, except Rachel..and I know that even though this is a miracle and this wasn't planned, this baby belongs to your dad and Carole now. Elizabeth belongs to them, now. We've given them a gift. I love her, I will always love her and she will always be our daughter. But we have careers, and a life to live and we both know it. You've convinced me of it," he said, nodding. Kurt felt his stomach sink a little. "Yeah, I just, I don't know. Going to all the appointments and getting to see her and hear her and now, feel her, it just makes me really want to get to know her and love her," he said quietly. "And we will. You're very close to your dad," Blaine said, taking Kurt's hand. "Don't worry, okay? You're already too stressed out as it is all the time, let me take care of you." Kurt nodded a little, rubbing his eyes. "Shouldn't I be telling you all of that?" He asked, letting out a laugh. He laid down beside Blaine, looking at him. "Maybe, but without you, there wouldn't be me," he said quietly, wrapping his arms around Kurt, but his stomach bumping into him. "See, part of me likes having the bump, but it gets in the way all the time," he said, sighing. Kurt laughed softly. "It'll only get worse." 

//Double length since I'm late on updating this week!

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