"I'm pregnant, with..with Kurt's baby."

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"Kurt," Blaine said, once they got back to the loft. "Kurt," Blaine said again. "Kurt!" He finally said, desperately. "Talk to me, baby, come on, please," he said, feeling tears well up in his eyes. "What, Blaine, what the hell is there to talk about anymore?!" Kurt took a deep breath before settling himself down on the couch. He rubbed his forehead with his palm, staying that way for a few minutes. Blaine looked down at the floor, fully ashamed of himself as he moved to sit beside Kurt on the couch. "Kurt, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was possible," he whispered. Kurt let out a defeated noise as he rested his head on the arm of the chair. "I don't know how this is going to work, Blaine. Really think about this logically." Blaine carefully curled his arm around the slope of his stomach and rubbed it gently. He looked down at himself, feeling tears well up in his eyes again. "But, Kurt, it's our baby," he said quietly. "Isn't that special? We made a baby together. Our own, little person, someone that looks like us and will sound like us and.." Kurt finally cut Blaine off. "Blaine, I can't do this right now! I have NYADA and the diner and Pamela Lansbury and Vogue.com I can't have a baby, Blaine!" He finally exclaimed excitedly. "I can't do this, Blaine, I can't," he finally said. Blaine began sniffling quietly. "Then what do I do?" He asked in a whisper. "What am I supposed to do, Kurt? What? I'm pregnant, I can't do anything now!" He said, beginning to yell. "You're the one who did this too, it wasn't just me so stop getting mad at me for something as beautiful as this. At least you aren't the one that has to carry the baby around for nine months, then give birth, then be stuck in damn Lima for the rest of your life because you had a baby when you didn't even know it was possible to get pregnant." Blaine sat up and shook his head. "Just..forget it. I'll see you at graduation."

Kurt felt tears well up in his eyes as soon as Blaine slammed the door and finally left. He buried his face into his hands before beginning to sniffle quietly. Rachel came out of the back room. "Kurt? Kurt? What's going on?" She asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Where's Blaine?" "He left," Kurt mumbled. Rachel took Blaine's seat on the couch and pulled Kurt into her arms. "Why are you crying? It's going to be okay, what's wrong?" She asked again, curious as to what could go wrong now. "Blaine, he's pregnant, Santana was right when she was making fun of him," he managed to mumble out through his crying. "Are you serious..a baby? That's..how?" She asked, in an amazed whisper. "He has the damn gene, Rachel!" He said, pulling away from her and folding his knees up to his chest. He grabbed a pillow and held it close to himself. "Did you actually see the baby?" She asked again, still in amazement. Kurt nodded again before handing her the ultrasound picture from earlier in the day. "Wow, a real baby," she mumbled as if she'd never seen an ultrasound picuture before in her life. "I hope the baby's a boy," she mumbled out, still in awe, suddenly ignoring that Kurt was even next to her.

After Blaine had finally landed back in Lima, he grabbed his bag and headed off the plane. "Thanks, for picking me up Tina," Blaine said, sinking down into his seat a little. He wore sunglasses, trying to hide the fact that he had been crying at all costs. "No problem, Blainey days," she said happily. "I don't know what I'd do without you," he mumbled, leaning against the window of her car. "Of course..but why did you come home so early? It's a long weekend and you should have stayed with Kurt until monday and it's only Saturday morning," she said, giving him a half smile. "Can I tell you a secret?" He asked, sighing softly. "Of course, Blainey. You can tell me anything." Blaine reached forward with a tired smile and took Tina's hand lightly. "Of course I can, that's right. Well..I know this is going to sound kind of out there, but it turns out that I'm pregnant, with..with Kurt's baby," he said, a sudden glow in his eyes at the words "Kurt's baby". "You're..you're what?!" She spat out, giving him a wide-eyed look. "I have the carrier gene, Tina." Tina sat the rest of the car ride in shock. "I'll show you the ultrasound picture when we get back to the house."

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