"You, Mr. Blaine Anderson, are indeed pregnant."

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That very next morning, Kurt woke up bright and early. He slipped out from where Blaine was and headed into the bathroom to get ready for the day ahead of them. He had no idea what could be causing Blaine to gain weight or have the whole shape of his stomach change, but if he and Blaine were really going to get married after Blaine graduated, then they needed to find out.  A little while later, Blaine began to stir. He sat up and glanced around the room. "Kurt," he mumbled sleepily before quickly cupping his mouth and running into the bathroom. He bolted into Kurt, trying to make it to the toilet in time. "Blaine, I'm naked under here and the door's open!" He exclaimed, his voice getting a little higher with excitement as he struggled to close the door, but keep himself covered. When he turned around, is when he noticed Blaine throwing up all over the toilet seat. He coughed loudly and gagged a little as he threw up a bit more. He leaned back against the bathtub once he was done and curled up on the floor. "Kurt," Blaine finally spoke weakly. Kurt looked over at Blaine, clearly scared about whatever was going on with him. Kurt quickly moved to Blaine's side. "We need to go to the doctor," Blaine trailed off, before closing his eyes. Kurt moved his hand to Blaine's stomach and began to rub it gently before stopping. "Blaine," he trailed off for a second. "Sit up," he said, seeing Blaine curl up a little more. Blaine opened his eyes and tried to sit up. "What?" He asked. "Take your shirt off." Blaine squinted a little and sat up before pulling his shirt off. "What the hell is that?" Kurt asked, examining Blaine's stomach. Blaine instantly covered his abdomen up with his arms. "I..I told you I was getting fat," he said, suddenly feeling over emotional. "That was not there last night Blaine.." "I can't, I don't know," Blaine said, beginning to cry. "I don't know what's wrong with me, Kurt." Kurt leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Blaine. There was no way he could afford to lose Blaine, not now, not ever. 

A few hours later, Kurt and Blaine sat in Kurt's doctor's office in New York, patiently waiting. Blaine had already finished up filling out the clipboard and had already handed it back to the nurse. Kurt's mind raced with all of the possibilites of what exactly could be wrong with his fiance. A terminal illness? Some weird strain of the flu? His thoughts were interrupted when a nurse came out of the doorway. "Anderson," she called, scanning the room. Blaine glanced over at the middle-aged african american woman and then glanced back over at Kurt. "I'm here," Kurt said, before taking Blaine's hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. Blaine nodded before finally standing up and following the lady back into the hallway behind the doorway. The nurse first instructed Blaine to get on the scale. He let go of Kurt's hand as he stepped on, patiently waiting for the number to show up. He looked at, noticing that he had gained a whole /eleven/ pounds since the last time he'd been on it, that was right before Finn died, just a few weeks when he had a physical for one of the clubs he was in at school. He followed the nurse into a room, where she instructed him to sit down. She got out some of her stuff and took Blaine's blood pressure and temperature. "Looks a little low," she commented. She wrote something down on her chart before telling them the doctor would be with them soon. Kurt quickly moved next to Blaine and took his hand again. Blaine rested his head against Kurt's. "I don't know what's wrong with me, but my skin's itching again." Kurt looked back down at Blaine's stomach, still a little careful touching whatever had ended up showing up on Blaine's stomach that morning. The doctor, a female came in a minute or so later. "Hi guys, how are we doing?" She greeted. She walked over to them and sat in her spinny chair. "I'm Doctor Wester and I'm a physician," she said, nodding a little. "I'm Kurt and this is my fiance Blaine," Kurt spoke nervously, glancing from Blaine and then back to the doctor. "Okay, so you are Blaine Anderson?" The doctor asked, pointing her pen at Blaine. Blaine nodded slowly, a bit apprehensively. "Great! What seems to be the problem?" She asked with a smile. "Um, I've been throwing up a lot and having these really bizarre symptoms," Blaine said slowly, frowning a little to himself. Kurt wiggled around in his seat, trying to stay still, but ultimately failing. "What kind of symptoms, Mr. Anderson?" She asked, getting ready to write things on her paper. "Um, like I get sick a lot, especially in the morning during school, well any time of the day actually, but it's the worst in the morning. And it feels like something is stretching my skin and I've gained weight. And I get dizzy a lot and I'm nauseous and it just really sucks," he said, frowning fully. The doctor nodded, raising her eyebrow slightly. "Can you get up on the table for me, please?" She asked. Blaine stood up and got up on the table. The doctor walked over to him and examined him first before doing the basic things that doctors do. She checked his ears, eyes, throat, listened to his heartbeat, checked his reflexes. "Can you lay back please?" She asked. He nodded a little and laid back. "Oh, are you sexually active?" She asked, all of a sudden as if she'd forgotten to ask it before. "Am I w-what?" He asked, thinking how weird and random of a question it was. "Are you active?" She asked, looking at Blaine. Blaine bit his bottom lip before nodding. "Yeah," he replied quietly. The doctor smiled at him and nodded. "Thank you for that information." She asked Blaine to lift his shirt up so she could check out his abdomen. She moved her hands to his stomach before looking down at it and frowning a little. She raised an eyebrow as she began to feel around his stomach, asking if any of the places hurt. Kurt looked over at her, notcing her expression. He couldn't help it, he jumped up and stood beside Blaine, wanting to explain their discovery that morning. "This morning Blaine got sick, I knelt down next to him and we both noticed that he had this..little bulgey thing in his stomach and he don't know what it is, or why it's there, but it just got there today," Kurt said, sighing softly. Blaine looked over at Kurt and gripped his hand tightly. The doctor frowned a little bit, trying to think. "Aha, I think I know what could be wrong. "What is it?" Blaine asked, trying to keep his breathing steady. Kurt looked down at the little bump again before looking back up at the doctor. "Kurt, Blaine, take a deep breath and Kurt, sit down for this one. Kurt sat back down in a chair and looked up at the doctor. "From what I can see..it seems that your fiance posesses the carrier gene, and that you, Mr. Blaine Anderson, are indeed pregnant," the doctor said, finally dropping the bomb on both of them.

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