"You're going to be a dad, Kurt and I know that sounds really scary right now"

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Blaine moved back to his locker after another long day at McKinley. Things had definitely been slow lately and today was no execption. Terrified that everyone at school would find out about his little secret, he knew he had to hide it. Hidden well under one of his own hoodie's was his small, yet visibly noticeable without the hoodie, baby bump. Blaine was a full twelve weeks pregnant now and at least his morning sickness had subsided a little. He was only two weeks away from being out of his first trimester and he knew the risk of miscarriage would go down significantly if he could only get through these next couple of weeks. "How did things go this weekend, any calls?" Tina asked in a low tone, walking back over to Blaine. He lifted his head up, shaking it slightly, pulling some of his books into his backpack. "Nothing. It's been four weeks, Tina," he said quietly, yet sadly. "I should probably just anticipate doing this on my own, Kurt's not going to be involved if he doesn't want to be involved." "But..this is ridiculous! You guys are engaged for crying out loud, he can't just leave you because you're pregnant!" "Shh," Blaine said, shushing her. "I don't want everyone finding out about this," he said quietly, giving her an urgent look. Tina nodded understandingly. "At least let me walk to Glee with you, okay?" She asked, sighing softly. Blaine nodded, shutting his locker and walking to the choir room with Tina. 

Once they entered the choir room, Mr. Schuester gave them a look of unapproval. "Guys, if we keep being late to class we're never going to get any work done for Nationals," he said, sighing. Kitty shot one of the other girls a dirty look, in response to Mr. Shue's irritability that day. "Try being me," Blaine mumbled under his breath. "What was that, Blaine?" He asked. "Nothing, just, thinking out loud," Blaine said quietly. "Okay guys, so Nationals, who has any ideas?" He asked. "I think, I think Blaine had some ideas," Sam said, looking over at his friend. "Accapella? Yeah?" Mr. Schuester asked, writing it down on the board. "Come on talk to me, Blaine. What were your ideas?" He asked, looking over at Blaine. 

"Didn't we have this conversation a week ago," Dani trailed off, looking up at Kurt uncertainly. "Okay, so maybe we just picked the wrong venue last time! This time will be better." "I'm sure it will, come on, no one knows New York like Kurt and I," Rachel piped in. "So we play the show, and hopefully more than just one old guy will show up, but come on, I mean last time that wasn't so bad, right?" Elliott piped in. "It was a showtunes hang out," Dani said, rolling her eyes again. "Okay, do you have anything intelligent to say or are you just going to bitch and complain the whole time you're in this band?" Kurt snapped, looking in Dani's direction. Dani looked a little taken aback at Kurt's assertiveness. "Excuse me? What did you just say to her?" Santana snapped in response, jumping up. Kurt continued looking at Dani, feeling himself fill with rage. "Meeting's over, everyone go home," Kurt said quietly, before turning around and going back into his bedroom. It only took a few minutes for Rachel to join Kurt. She watched Kurt, curled up in his own bed, laying near his boyfriend pillow as he watched the wall. "Hoping it's going to do some spectacular trick?" She joked softly, coming up behind him in bed. "Kurt," she said softly, before noticing the tears streaming down Kurt's face. "Kurt, don't cry," she said, softly, running a hand up and down Kurt's back. "If I can't even control my own band," he said in a quiet tone, sucking in a breath. "Then no wonder I can't control my own life," he admitted in a whisper. "I know, I know things have been hard with Blaine's pregnancy," Rachel said softly, moving her free hand up to Kurt's hair. "But it's going to get easier. You're going to be a dad, Kurt and I know that sounds really scary right now," she said, being cut off. "Absolutely terrifying," Kurt interjected, interrupting her. "But..maybe a good start would be telling your dad? I..Miss July, I'm sure she could give you something that would get you out to Lima. You could see Blaine, your dad, Carole," she suggested, hopefully. "Maybe go back to McKinley, spend a weekend soul searching. I'd go with you but..I..I can't. Not yet, it's too soon," Rachel said in a whisper. With that, Kurt turned  back around and buried his face in Rachel's shoulder, sniffling softly. "I'm sorry, I should probably say sorry to Dani, I know I'm being a control freak but I just thought maybe I could control Pamela Lansbury even if I can't control my own relationship," he said, sucking in another breath. "It's..it's okay, Kurt. It's okay. Just start small and I know things will get better soon." Kurt nodded a little, sighing one last time. "It's not going to be easy, but life is never going to be easy," Rachel spoke, nodding firmly. "So, it's settled, I can ask her?" Rachel asked hopefully. Kurt nodded. "Yeah, may as well start my living hell early." Rachel frowned a little, hoping Kurt would have a change of heart about Blaine and the baby, but knew she'd do whatever she had to do to fix this, even if it wasn't her problem. "Then it's settled, this Friday you'll be leaving on an all expenses paid-trip to wonderful Lima, Ohio." Kurt scoffed quietly, before sighing. "Lima," Rachel repeated one last time.

//Guys I'm really sorry this is super late but the new day for this to come out is Monday.  (: Hope you enjoy.

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