"Talk to Blaine, we..we're willing to adopt this baby."

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Carole and Burt were discussing things in the other rooma few days later, Kurt being able to hear them. "Honey, so Kurt got him pregnant, what's the worst that can happen?" She asked gently. "The worse that can happen? Kurt is nineteen years old, he is living in New York going to an amazing school, has a stable job and has a very impressive internship, of course this is a bad situation. I like Anderson, I really do, but a baby? Carole, this is going to ruin their lives!" Carole sighed softly. "Honey, I'm sure Blaine isn't thrilled about this either. Especially about how Kurt hasn't been being around for him either. What..what if we adopted, their baby?" Carole asked quietly. "Oh Carole," Burt said, sighing. "I mean..I don't have any kids now, the house is so quiet and lonely without Kurt and..and Finn now," she stuttered over her late son's name. "Hm," he mumbled, thinking. Kurt walked into the room, following their voices. "If I may interject- I think that might be a really good idea. I'm..not really emotionally involved with this child. I've been to one ultrasound, never heard the heartbeat, only saw the baby when it looked like an alien on a pixelized screen," he said, shrugging. "I mean, there's no longing feeling in my heart to hold this baby, isn't that how it's supposed to be?" Kurt asked curiously. Burt hesitated before nodding. "Yes. That's usually the feeling the soon to be parents have. Talk to Blaine, we..we're willing to adopt this baby."

Blaine woke up a few days later, heading to the kitchen. He rubbed his stomach as he waited for the pancakes to finish up cooking in the pan. He had grown during the night -again and now felt this weird aching feeling around his hips and on the sides of his stomach. Now that the morning sickness had subsided, he'd had the appetite of a trucker -to put it loosely. He craved everything all the time and he'd sworn he'd gained /at least/ five pounds in the last two days. Little did anyone know that Blaine hadn't been to the doctor since the day he found out in New York. He was too afraid to go alone and was on prenatal vitamins, so he figured since he was growing properly that the baby must be too. He sat down, rubbing over his bump as he ate. "MMm," he mumbled, making noises as he ate. Once he was done, he set his plate down before heading back upstairs, feeling tired again. He headed to the mirror, pulling off his shirt to examine his new body. This time is when he noticed the bright red and pink marks scattered on the sides of his belly, something new. He mumbled a little, sighing softly. He pulled his shirt back on and slipped into bed, cradling his bump with both arms. "Baby, you're a pain in the ass. You're giving me ugly stretch marks," he mumbled, curling up. That was when Blaine looked up, feeling his heart stop a little in his chest at seeing Kurt walk into his bedroom.

//Sorry that it's late guys!

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