"Here's your baby, gentlemen."

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Kurt could've sworn he felt his heart stop in his chest for just a second, hearing those words. Words he never, ever, though he'd hear in his whole life. He was gay for crying out loud! Blaine felt his eyes fill up with tears. "Are you sure? I'm not dying?" Blaine whispered. The doctor gave him a sympathetic look and leaned down to shake her head. "No, Blaine. This is very rare, but I don't think you know that I'm actually an OB/GYN on the weekdays. And I'm telling you, the muscles in your stomach are like this because you're growing a baby in there," she assured him. "I can send you over ot the hospital for an ultrasound. Actually, I probably should, but these pregnancies are very high risk and the miscarriage rate is much higher throughout the pregnancy than what woman go through." Hearing that made Blaine's stomach sink a little, still feeling like he was in absolute shock after hearing the news. Once Kurt felt his heart begin to restart unevenly, he looked over at Blaine, still with a look of shock on his face. He wrapped his arms around himself, for once staying back and staying away, especially when Blaine needed him the most. The doctor handed Blaine an order and told the two to drive up to the hospital on the next street. Kurt was entirely speechless as Blaine wiped his eyes and sat up. He took the paper before getting down and pulling his shirt back over his somewhat swollen tummy. "Kurt, we should probably go make sure about this," he whispered, seeing how Kurt sat there as still as stone. "Kurt," Blaine whispered again, feeling himself begin to cry again. Kurt stood up and moved over to Blaine. He nodded a little, his bottom lip quivering. Blaine noticed and felt his bottom lip quiver too. "Kurt, Kurt, I'm scared," Blaine whispered desperately. "I'm scared," he repeated again, before moving into Kurt and crying into him. Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine and held him tight, crying with him for  afew minutes until they finally got up the courage to get in the car and drive to the hospital,  not knowing exacltly what would happen next.

Blaine cried the whole way to the hospital. Once they got there they both got out and Kurt took Blaine's hand again. They went into the lab section and sat down after speaking to a nurse about their arrival. She nodded and told them to wait a few minutes. "Kurt, what if I actually am pregnant?" Blaine finally asked, breaking the silence between them. "It's impossible." Blaine shook his head a little, knowing he'd researched it himself. "Well..then we aren't ready for this, to be parents! I'm in NYADA, Vogue, Pamela Lansbury, and I work at the damn diner, Blaine," Kurt said, before beginning to sniffle again. Blaine looked up as his name was called and headed back inside the room with the technician. Kurt followed silently and sat in the chair. "Okay honey, just get up on the table and we'll have a look," the nurse said, checking over the piece of paper. Blaine got on the table and Kurt immediately grabbed his hand. The nurse asked Blaine to lift his shirt up. After doing so, he looked down at the little bump as the nurse squeezed some of the gel stuff over his stomach. The technician stepped forward with the wand and began gliding it over Blaine's stomach gently, spending a while doing it and looking at everything. Blaine couldn't help but feel his heart begin to speed up with anticipation. Finally, the technician turned the screen to Blaine and Kurt. "Here's your baby, gentlemen," she said quietly, pointing on the screen where a very small baby was swimming around. Blaine felt tears fill his eyes again as he looked at the screen and then down at the little bump. "Kurt, Kurt, we're having a baby," he whispered, looking over at Kurt, only to see him with his head resting in his hand and his eyes closed. "Kurt," Blaine whispered, a little scared. What if Kurt didn't want this baby?

(sorry for how short this week's was guys, but it's good. i promise next week will be good, thanks for sticking with me!)

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