Chapter IV

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Wow, this is 2633 words on Wattpad. I don't have much to say this time because I'm exhausted and right now is really late and I just want to go sleep but I had to upload this first.

Also, this isn't proof-read. I honestly have no time right now and I'm exhausted, I have exams soon and I mean like 'fail us and you're screwed' exams so I'm busy. And it would help if you pointed out errors instead of just saying, "You have tons of errors, ew." Haha, it helps trust me. Thanks so much it you've made it this far, you're making me very happy.

God, I talk alot. Also, please check out the IMPORTANT author's note at the end, its imperial for understanding where I'm taking this.

Dedicated to Books_MyDrug for her amazing analytic skills, not saying she's right and not saying she's wrong but hey her theories are probable.

Chapter IV

       “I’m a vampire.”

       My head shot up from where it was lolling at the back of my chair and I looked around to see where the pasty white creature was. It turned out though that the only vampire in here was on my laptop screen. My favorite TV series was playing and the earphones still blasted at full speed. I unplugged them from my ears and rubbed my eyes.

      It turned out that I’d fallen asleep watching one of my favorite series. I couldn’t help but think about how messed up my thoughts were. Maybe some unfathomable past experience had cursed me into being all too humble – if that was possible. It may come as a surprise to people that I wasn’t as narcissistic as many persons thought I was. The thing was though; I couldn’t conjure up any past ‘traumatic’ event that made me crazy.

     I stifled a yawn and looked over to the small clock on a side table and noticed it was just about time to leave for swimming. Sometimes it was such a hassle – I stuck around the long just because of the rare peace of mind it left me.

     My mind was still muddled as I got up and hurried to the bathroom. Apparently sleeping all night on a poorly cushioned chair put out your back because all I felt were all the kinks and pain scrambling across my muscles. The house was still refreshingly silent as I hurried down the stairs with my swim bag hung over my shoulder, I actually wasn’t as late as I had perceived but I couldn’t get over that nervous edge that I had. I even headed straight to my van without even checking my surroundings.

       The road was illuminated by the street lights on. It was still relatively dark and no evidence of life was yet to be seen. Due to my unnecessary calculation of my surroundings I arrived at school quite quickly, although I think my speed may have had something to do with it.

      As soon as I shut off the ignition a chill of unease surrounded me, I couldn’t shake the feeling of not being alone despite the parking lot being deserted. I shook my head furiously to unclog it of the nonsense that the TV. show had filled it with. I couldn’t help but look over my shoulder a few times while walking in the hallways. My movements felt especially loud and jerky. I breathed a sigh of relief upon arriving at the closed door of the swimming pool.

       The calmness didn’t last very long, my heart beat increased upon seeing the lights on through the thin lines by the door. I didn’t know why I was being such a girl, I’d been to school alone a lot of times even when it was pouring cats and dogs. And if you know a good cliché horror movie, you’d know a good kill couldn’t happen without buckets of rain. My hand closed around the knob and I tugged the door toward me.

       At first I didn’t see anything, but then I heard sounds. Not sounds of someone dying or something equally as grotesque, but of someone in the water. I urged my converse sneakers to hit the ground lightly but every footfall sounded loud in my own ears.

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