to an old love

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hey im not worrying about the poetry part of this so screw it...

to an old friend that shifted to a love, and then squashed out by rules... Everyone i have ever loved in the past still has a place in my heart, a little spark that remains and yes i still read the letters you wish you could say... i still see that spark in your eyes whem they meet, and i still like how i can make you have them... i dont know if we will work, but i still am here for you if you ever need a place to rest where someone understands... life is full of difficult times and most of the time we dont need to worry about love, but friendships can last lifetimes while love can ruin them in the blink of am eye... so love might not exist again but it might keep your head high girl.

cause we only have a hundred years to live... might as well make the most of them :-) .

sincerely~ Wilson

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