Searching for the Light - Chapter 15

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Chapter 15.

Friday came and went in a flash and now it's Saturday. I just got back from my two hour jog, I added an hour because of all the food I ate this week. I only just got off the phone with Tami telling me what time to go around to her house tonight, when Carter called me.

"Hello?" I answered 

"Hey darling," he paused, changing his tone to stern, "what are you doing? You sound out of breath."  

"I just came back from a jog, that's all"  

"Oh, so you don't mind me coming round?" I could sense him smirking.  

"No I don't mind, I'm just going to get a shower so you could-" he cut me off. 

"Okay, I'll be around in five minutes" he said and hung up. Okay?  

I had a shower, washed myself, shaved, etcetera and was walking back to my room with a towel wrapped around me when I heard someone pacing in my room.  

Slowly opening the door, I saw Carter, he brushed his hair back with one of his hands and the other I noticed held something, the bracelet Alec got me.

"Carter?" I asked. 

He looked me over quickly and smirked, "What's this?" he held up my bracelet and came towards me. 

"My bracelet" I said, taking it out of his hands and putting it back in one of my draws, "Why were you looking in my drawers?"  

He ignored my question, "Where did you get it?"  

"I-It was a birthday present..."  

"From whom?" he said walking towards me again, standing over me now. 

"Carter, I need to get dressed, can you leave?"  

"Answer my question first. From whom?" he hissed, emphasizing the second part.  

"Mother and Father..." I lied, looking down. 

"Hm, it's nice" he said, calming down and sitting on my bed. 


"What's up beautiful?" he looked up to me with a smile. 

"I need to get dressed" he looked over me again and smirked; he got up and kissed my head, "I'll see you downstairs" and with that, he went out leaving me stunned. Bi-polaire ou quoi?

I quickly got changed into a pair of loose jeans and a vest top, slipping on a pair of pumps; I done my hair and shoved it up into a scruffy bun, making sure I put my necklace on before I went downstairs - Carter wouldn't be happy if I didn't, that I can guarantee.  

Carter was sat in the living room with Mathieu talking about sports - per usual, so when he saw me he smiled.

"Morning, kid" Mathieu said getting up and ruffling my hair before going into the kitchen. 

"Thanks a lot, Bro" Caroline peeked her head around from the kitchen, "Good morning, want some pancakes?" she asked.  

I smiled, "Sure thing, honey"  

She turned to Carter, "You too?" he nodded. 

"So," I asked sitting down, "what are we doing today?"  

"Well, I was thinking of taking you down to the beach, what do you think?" he smiled innocently, looking like he expected me to say no. 

"I think that's a great idea" I said, sheepishly.  

"Breakfasts ready" Caroline shouted from the kitchen. She sure knows how to cook fast.

I grabbed Carter's hand and led him into the dining room. Mathieu was already sat down, enjoying his breakfast - shoving all he could fit into his mouth at once.  

"You eat like a pig" Caroline said, coming in and sitting opposite him. Carter sat next to her and I sat next to Mathieu, opposite him.  

"This looks greet" Carter said to Caroline, smiling. 

"Thank you" she said, waiting for everyone to start eating before she did, she's so polite.

We ate our breakfast as any family would, together; it was more than I could have ever asked for. Carter drove us both to the beach after, the weather was really nice and warm today, and it was great.

I took off my shoes and rolled my pants up, putting my feet in the ocean. I gasped as a dog came running straight at me splashing me.

"That's cold" I shivered with squinted eyes. There was a family of five on the beach with us and I'm assuming that was there dog as a woman - mid thirties came over, "I'm really sorry, come on Jack" she said, pulling the dogs collar but he only came closer to me and licked my leg, I giggled. 

"I think he likes you" Carter said coming over and petting the dog. 

"I guess so" I said, slowly lowering my hand on Jack's head, he greeted me by closing his eyes and pushing his head upwards, encouraging my stroke; the soft golden fur felt almost comforting under my hand if he hadn't made me jump moments ago. I smiled. 

"Stop bothering this lovely couple Jack, come on" she tried pulling him again but he barked in response. 

"Its okay" I laughed, "we'll play with him" 

"Only if you're sure" she said happily, handing me a soft ball. She trotted off to her children, to where one of them were shouting, "Mommy, Lacey stomped on my sand castle" the little boy pouted, pointing at his sister stomping all over it, giggling. I smiled at them and then Jack licked my hand, "Eww".

Carter laughed at me, grabbing the ball from my hands and throwing it so the golden retriever would 'go fetch', he did, happily and came running back. I grabbed the sandy ball from his mouth and threw it again, this time further. Carter chased after it too, tackling the dog before he could reach it, got up and ran back with Jack close behind him. 

Carter had nearly reached me but turned back in time to have Jack jump on him, he fell back and the furry beast started licking his face. I laughed at them, "Good boy" I said, ruffling Jack's fur.

Going to the beach was a great idea; Carter was in a great mood which meant I was too. We spent nearly all the afternoon playing with Jack until his owners came and got him, we took a long walk after that, hand-in-hand, talking about everything until we had to get going back home.

Opening the bag Tami had got me, I found a nice pair of cut out, lace up heels, slightly shiny black leggings and a crop top. Wait... a crop top? I pulled it out, it was a light blue with dark stitching and it came just above my piercing. Carter is going to kill me but I did promise Tami I'd wear it no matter what, right? I quickly had another shower and let my hair dry naturally so it would be wavy by the time I'm ready, I put black mascara on and a tiny amount of foundation with some clear lip gloss. In the bag, there were also bangles and earrings to match my naval piercing so I wore them instead of my newly attained necklace and bracelet.

Carter had left when we got back from the beach; he needed to change because he 'stunk of dog' so he said he would pick me up later.

I quickly said goodbye to Caroline and my Brother and made my way to Carter's car before he could come out. I hoped he wouldn't make a big deal of the outfit, I was self conscious as it is.

He gulped when I slid in his car; "Wow" was all he said. 

"Yeah I know, I look like a tart. I promised Tami I'd wear whatever she bought me though, so I guess I had it coming" I said looking down. 

"You don't look like a tart, whatever that is, you look beautiful" he said and kissed my cheek making me blush. He smiled and drove off.

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