Later on.

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[6 years later] (Ross and Laura are 10)

(Ross and Laura have bunk bed, in the same room)

(Ross and Laura are both getting ready in the bathroom)

Laura: I cant belive we are in the same class again!!!

Ross: I like that we are in the same class (smirks)

Laura: Shut up, Ross!

Riker: (comes in) Hey, Ross can I use your comb? 

Ross: Why?

Riker: Because Rocky stole mine!

Ross: Here! (hands him the comb)

Laura: (walks out of the bathroom, puts on my red converse)

Ross: (walks out after her) (puts on my yellow converse)

Stormie: (Yells up the stairs to all the kids: THE BUS IS HERE!!!)

(they all run out the door)

Stormie: (Laughs)

All the kids: (Get in the bus)

Calum: Sup' Ross!

 Ross: Hey bro!

Calum: Hey Laur! 

Laura: Hey Cal!

Bus driver: (Glares at Ross and Calum) Mr. Lynch, and Mr. Worthy, please take a seat.

Ross and Calum: ok, mrs. Rosa!!! (sits down)

Calum: Still singin'?

Ross: Duhhh!!

~With rydel. Ratluiff, riker, and Vanessa~

Ratliff: Delly?

Rydel: What?

Ratliff: (kisses her cheek) I love you

Riker: (slaps him)

Ratliff: What. I'm stuck on her!

Riker: (Pulls out his note book) That sounds like good lyric!

Rydel: Riker! I'm 13! I know Ratliff is good for me, and I have been waiting for that since I was like 5. I love you too, Ell.

Ratliff: Really?

Rydel: Yeah.


Ross: (raises his eyebrow at him)

Riker: (sighs)

Vanessa: It's ok Rikey,

Riker: ok, (Smiles)

Ratliff: (wraps his arms around Rydel) (smirks)

(They arrive at the middle school -5-8 grade-)

(Ross and Laura intertwine their hands and walk in)

(Ross' and Laura's friends come up to them,)


Ross: (smirks) yep

Laura: (smacks him in the back of the head)

Ross: Oww!! No, I was lying!  (Looks sad)

Laura: You know Rocky's like my best friend, and your more of a brother, Ross.

Ross: No! No! Don't put me there!

(They all laugh)

Riker: (fake coughs)

Raura: Here Comes Forever,Girl.Where stories live. Discover now