Good for you

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You've got guts... You read about seven chapters of the book.

You're curious, brave and unafraid even when I already placed a warning.

This book won't really harm you. I mean, it won't bite your head off, self-destruct, curse you or anything like that for that matter.

Unless somebody chucks* it at your head which has a very low probability of happening. *I don't know and I don't care if 'chucks' really is a word because I find it simply amusing.

A material like this won't cause you any harm but it's the things inside that you have to be careful of.


Every last letter of every last word of every page in this book are an equation to the solution. But I absolutely despise of mathematics so let's just say this is very important.

An untold story that no one ever knew and probably ever will. And probably...

You're an exception.

I'm taking great risks when making this and for letting you read this and posting it... on public! The council will surely have my head for this. I can't imagine what the head would do... *shudders*

But I just can't keep it in anymore and I had to let it go. Who cares about the council? They've been watching me since the beginning! And besides, I'm a horrible writer and people must have put this book down and run away after just reading the first part.

Meh, that's a shame for them.

So read on. I do hope you kept your promise about not telling anyone about this...

You were already warned.

If you did, drop this and run as far away as possible.

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