Chapter 23

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Ashley's POV

It's December 14th and I just got home yesterday. It's been pretty hectic. Amanda has been over since I came home and helping me get my apartment ready for the party. It's a decent size. It's actually kind of big for an apartment if you ask me. We put some Christmas decorations up as well as some birthday. I even went out and bought a dress! Yeah, not really my style but I thought, what the hell? I really like it too. It's red with a heart cut out in the back. I'm also wearing white, lace pumps, bracelets on both my wrists, and my hair is curled.

People should be here in a few hours and I'm double checking the list with Amanda. We have alcohol, soda, music, food, decorations all set up... I think we're good.

If I'm being honest, I've never had a real birthday and I'm actually really nervous. Nervous and excited. It's a weird feeling, having people come over to celebrate you being born. I also get to see Wesley and Keaton, and of course Drew! I've missed them so much it's crazy! I told Lauren and Tara about them and they seemed excited to meet them. I told them about them, not that I would be setting them up, but they'll figure that out soon enough.

People started to show up and I was becoming worried. Of what I don't know. What if we run out of food? Or alcohol? What if the music playlist sucks? Or they don't have a good time. Wow... I'm such a worry monster. They guys still aren't here yet which kind of sucks, but it's only 7:13 and I told people to come for 7. Still, you would think they would come early to see me?

"Hey Ashley! Happy almost birthday!" I hear a voice say and I turn around to see Alex. I walk over and hug him.

"Thanks Alex. Glad you could make it!" I tell him, even though he is the one who kind of helped plan the whole thing...

"It's a party. You really think I would miss it? Plus, it's celebrating you." He says and I smile at his compliment. He's really a sweet guy.

"ASHLEY!!!" I hear someone yell. I whip my head around and see those two Stromberg faces I've missed so much!

"Guys!" I yell and run into them. They embrace me in a group hug and then hug them each separately. "Oh my friggen god I missed you two! How have you been?" I ask them.

"We've been doing great. Next album should be out soon. What about you? One minute your our opening guest and the next your staring in your own tour! Our little Ashley is growing up so fast!" Wes jokes messing up my hair a little bit.

"Hey!" I laugh and slap his hand away.

"He's right! We miss you! And Drew never shuts up!" Keaton adds. Speaking of Drew... Where is he?

"Where is Drew?" I ask them avoiding their statements and moving my head to look past them. Nothing.

"He didn't come with us. He said he had some things to do and he was coming later. He should be here soon." Wes explains. I nod my head but on the inside all I have are questions. What could he possibly be doing? Does he not want to see me? Why isn't he here? When is he coming?

"Glad to know you're happy to see us..." Keaton mumbles loud enough that I could hear, which I could tell he wanted me to. I laugh and embrace him in another big hug.

"Of course I'm happy to see you. And you're still single, right?" I question him once I pull away so I can see his face.

"Why? If I say yes are you going to call things off with Drew and date me instead?" Keaton laughs adding in a wink. I join him with a few chuckles, as does Wes.

"You wish Keats. I actually have someone I want you guys to meet." I take their hands before any of them can protest and walk them toward the familiar head of hair. Lauren and Tara are standing next to each other talking so lucky me, I don't have to look for both of them.

I tap Tara on the shoulder and she looks at me and then her eyes go wide when she sees Wes. She quickly adjusts them back to normal. I've described Wes to her a few times but if you've ever met Wesley, no words can do him justice.

"Wes, this is Tara. Tara, this is Drew's best friend Wes."

"Playing match maker I see." Keaton whispers in my ear.

"Just wait another second." I turn around so I'm now facing the other two yet to be matched. "Keaton, this is Lauren. Lauren, this is Keaton. I'll let you two talk." I say as I walk away. Maybe Drew has showed up.

Tara's POV

Holy Shit! Wes was WAY hotter than Ashley described him. He was wearing a snap back, which she told me to get used to 'cause he is always wearing one, cargo pants, and a striped shirt that showed off his toned arms. I had to stop myself from staring at him.

"Hi. I'm Wesley, but as Ashley already said you can call me Wes. So, how do you and Ashley know each other?" He asks me.

"Well, I'm good friends with Amanda, her stylist, and when they were in Cali we met and just became friends I guess."

"Yeah, she's a pretty cool chick. So, Ashley told me you surf? That's sick!" I couldn't help but blush a little. He was jus so darn attractive. C'mon Tara. Play it cool!

"Yeah, since I was a little kid. Just something about being out on the water that relaxes me. It's like all my worries just fade away." I tell him.

"I know what you mean. I get the same way, especially when writing music." We start to walk away from Ashley, if she's even still there, and head for a couch on the other side of the room.

"Don't kill me for saying this but is it sad that I've never heard you guys play?" Shit. Why did I say that? I'm sure they are good if they got signed by Simon. Now he's going to think I don't like his music and lets face it, who wants to date someone who doesn't like your music?

"Well we're going to have to fix that now aren't we?" He smirks at me and stands up. "I'll be right back." He tells me as he walks off, I'm assuming to get a guitar or something.

Wesley's POV

Ashley was right. This girl is great! Tara. And that name... She surfs, is super cute, chill, and those eyes. I couldn't stop staring into them. If anyone asks, I'll probably deny it, but Ashley is an amazing match maker. I didn't get too good of a look, but it seemed like the Summer girl she told me she had picked out for Keaton was pretty.

I walked away from Tara to go get a guitar. I'm surprised she hasn't heard us but it's whatever. We aren't THAT popular yet. I just hope she likes us.

I walk back over to her and set the guitar down on my lap and begin to strum a few chords to warm up. Her eyes shift down to my hands as I begin to play the familiar chords of Reason. I don't sing the full song, only a verse or two. Just enough to giver her a taste of what Emblem3 is like.

I look up to see a smile on her face. It's not covering her whole face but the edges are just slightly pulled upward. It's the kind of smile someone has when they see a random act of kindness being done.

"So what do you think?" I ask her setting the guitar down, resting on the arm of the couch.

"I think I've been missing out." She says with a small laugh. I smile at her statement, content that she likes our music.

"I'm glad you like it. Most people don't really go for the whole R&B, Sublime kind of style." And it's true. On average, 90% of girls like pop music from young boy bands. Which is why our sound has changed so much. Drew is pissed about it. Keaton doesn't really have much of an opinion. I'm disappointed about it, but I guess that's the price you have to pay, right?

"Well I'm not like most people Wes." She says as she brings her knees up to her chest and throws her head back so it's resting on the back of the couch.

"I can tell. I like that about you." I tell her. Did I get this girl's number yet? I have a feeling I'm gonna need it....

Keaton's POV
Ashley just introduced this Lauren girl to me and then just walks away. I mean, I'm not complaining, she's beautiful, but that was completely random.

"Did you know she was setting this up?" I ask her pointing behind me, referring to Ashley, wherever she had gone off to.

"Somewhat. She mentioned meeting Drew's friends... She gave a few hints that she was going to be playing cupid tonight." She says with a small chuckle. Her laugh is adorable. It's not obnoxiously loud, but contagious.

"Well I'm glad she did." I say adding a wink. A wink? Wow, lets just pretend that wasn't at all creepy. No wonder I'm single... I suck at flirting. "Do you want a drink?" I ask her and she nods her head and smiles cutely. I take her hand and walk us to the drink table.

We get our drinks and move our way back into the crowd of people. I don't know too many people here. Besides from Wes, me and Drew, wherever the fuck he is, a lot of these people are friends from tour. It's not like there are hundreds of people here either. I would say no more than 30. I'm glad Ashley has made some other friends. I remember Drew telling Wes and me how bottled up she was. Tour, well Drew, has really changed her into a much happier person.

Lauren's POV

Keaton seemed lost in thought since we got our drinks. Should I ask him what he's thinking about or do I just let him keep thinking about whatever it is consuming his thoughts. I grab his hand and when I do he seems to snap out of whatever trance he was just in and connects his eyes with mine. Gosh they're amazing. They're like a mix of green, with just a little bit of blue, and a tad brown.

"You okay?" I ask him. I don't want to intrude on his life, as we only met not even a half hour ago.

"Yeah, just thinking." He replies.

I didn't mean to say it but it just came out. "About?" I ask, and immediately regret it, mentally slapping myself for sounding annoying.

"Ashley." He takes a deep breath and looks around the room. I can tell he has more to say so I don't speak, and just wait for him to continue. "When Drew met her she kept to herself a lot. And by a lot I mean she wouldn't even tell him her name for like a week!" He laughs at the memory. "It's just great to know that she's come so far since she's met him. Tour, dating, making friends, throwing a party. I'm just really happy for her." He tells me.

Keaton seems like such a sweet guy. The way he cares about Ashley, he's a true friend.

"You're a great friend caring about her like that. She's lucky to have you Keaton." I tell him and use the hand he's not still holding and run my hand down his arm once. He looks at where my hand is placed on his arm and smiles at me.

"Do you want to dance?" He says over the music, which someone suddenly turned up, just loud enough for me to hear him.

"I would love to." I say as he grabs my hand and walks me to the middle of the room.

Ashley's POV
He's not here. It's almost 9 and I still haven't seen Drew. Nobody has. I tried calling him but it went straight to voicemail. Why isn't he here? Where is he? I don't know if I'm angry, or upset, or what I'm feeling right now. But I can tell you that it sure isn't the happiness that I'm supposed to be feeling today.

The nights are dimmed and I hear a name call my voice.

"Ashley! C'mon, we're going to sing and cut the cake." It's a males voice, just not the one I've been waiting all night to hear. It's Alex. I put a smile on my face and walk to the cake where a big picture of my face is in the middle and above writes 'Happy 20th Ashley' in frosting. Everyone starts singing and I blow out the candles, making sure I don't spit on the cake.

Amanda cuts the pieces and starts to hand them out to everyone. Being the 'birthday girl' I had to have the first piece. Old tradition, but no matter how silly they are, we can't break them.

I try to enjoy the sweet vanilla sensation exploding in my mouth but I can't. Not knowing that the one person I wanted to see most didn't show up. And with not one text or call.

I walk up the flight of stairs to one of the bathrooms, leaving the party behind on the first floor. I can't fake a smile any longer. Why isn't he here? Do I mean this little to him that he can't even show up? Or give me a simple text or call saying that he will be late, or that he couldn't make it anymore? Wes and Keaton are here! My boyfriend's friends show up, but not my boyfriend himself.

The tears start pouring out and I can't control them. I bring my legs up to my chest and hide my face in my legs. This was supposed to be the best night of my life. My FIRST party. And this is what happens? It's not soon after that I hear a knock on the door. I try to quiet my tears, knowing that there is no way I'd be able to stop them, the best I can do is try to reduce the noise. I don't want to be bothered right now. I just want Drew. But apparently he doesn't care about me enough to show up.

The door opens and Wesley and Keaton pop their heads through the crack and then walk in closing the door behind them. I try to wipe the tear stains off my cheeks but it's too late. I've already been caught. I shut my eyes tight and bit my bottom lip as the tears came bursting out again. My body starts shaking, with the tears streaming down my face I can't help it. I've been seen and there's nothing stopping me now from losing control.

Keaton walks closer and sits down wrapping his arm around me. He rubs my shoulder trying to mollify me, and lessen my shaking.

"Why isn't he here?" I whimper into Keaton's chest.

I knew me being on tour was hard for him. But it was hard for me too, didn't get that? Did he even try to understand? Each day I wish I could just go back to California and be with him. To lay in his arms, to have him kiss my forehead, to stay up late talking to him, to kiss him, to hug him. Every damn day. He's the first person to make me feel... happy. The first one to make me feel loved. And he wants to just give it all up? He meant everything to me. And I can't help but think I meant nothing. All those kisses, all those 'I love you' s, they meant nothing to him. I meant nothing to him.

Wes speaks up breaking me from my troubling thoughts. "I really don't know Ashley. I know that's not the answer you want to hear, and it's not the answer I want to give either. But he's missing out because you looked absolutely stunning tonight." My sobbing has gone down and has now turned into whimpers.

"Is this his way of ending it? I mean I know we haven't been so great since I've gone on tour but I didn't think it was this bad?" Please don't answer this. I really don't think I can handle the answer.

"He loves you Ashley." Is all Keaton says to me.

"Then where is he?" I whisper. They don't answer. They both just look at each other, waiting for the other one to magically come up with the reason for Drew's no show.

The boys sent everyone home. It's 11 now, and it's just me and Amanda. She kind of demanded she stay the night, not taking no for an answer. She thought I needed somebody and she was right. It's just that she wasn't the someone I needed. I didn't need to explain anything, which I was thankful for. I think she knew what was going on.

I had changed out of my dress and put on some sweats and a tank top. My makeup was practically off my eyes, but I just had to remove it from my face. Wow, did I look like a mess. I've gotten a few texts from Keaton and Wesley letting me know that they will text me as soon as they get a hold of Drew. I didn't respond but I appreciated the texts. Alex texted me a few times letting me know he was here for me if I wanted to talk, same goes for Tara and Lauren. I didn't want to talk though. I felt myself going into that state of depression I had once been in before. The one HE got me out of. And now it's the same HE who is putting me back where I came from.

My phone goes off from the table again and I look at it to see it's not a text, but a call.

It's Drew.

WOAH. Left you all on a cliffhanger. Sorry I took so long to update but that was pretty eventful huh? Looks like the boys are starting to like Rose and Summer!

So, what do you all think happened to Drew? Did he end it by not showing up? Was he cheating? Did he just fall asleep and forget to wake up? What are your thoughts? I'd love to hear them. And let me know what you think! I know I say this every chapter but your comments really do mean a lot to me. So PLEAE PLEASE PLEASE leave a comment! Say ANYTHING!

Okay, so that's really it. Sorry for taking so long. I'm going to try and focus more on this story than my Keaton one, just so I can finish this up. So sorry if you're reading More Than Friends and are hoping for an update. And if you're not reading my other stories, they're on my profile so check them out!

Thank you all so much!! Much love, Audrey <333

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