Chapter 18

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Ashley's POV

I am SOOOO sorry I haven't updated in forever. I'm not going to make up excuses. I've just been too lazy to write anything and every time I was going to write, I had such a bad writers block. But here is a new chapter for all of you. So, thank you for being so patient with me. I won't keep you waiting any longer. Here is chapter 18.

Ashley_Greene: Hello New York! Excited to see me again?! See all your lovely faces tonight!!

Simon told me to gain a wider fan base I was to tweet more often than I normally did. It wasn't worth complaining about. But it was worth making a twitter considering I didn't have one before. In less than 24 hours I already had 200k followers. Like, WOW!

I was in the taxi cab on my way to the hotel. Amanda, my stylist, was on my left. She has become really my only girl fiend, which being on this tour alone, I was desperately in need of. Especially if I was going to have to be without Drew. I already miss him. I told him I loved him. That was HUGE for me. I just didn't want to leave him for 9 months with any question of how I felt. Yeah, that's how long I'm going to be away. 9 months. 9 long months of no Drew.

"Ashley, we're here." Amanda said as we pulled up to the hotel. It was HUGE! Holy crap! 

As soon as I stepped out of the cab I heard my name being screamed in all directions. Amanda helped get me inside and push past all the fans and paparazzi.

"Ashley, what is your relationship status with Emblem3 member Drew Chadwick?"

"When is your first album coming out?" 

"How excited are you for your first tour?"

"Are you in Drew dating?"

All these questions jut came at me. As soon as we were inside the hotel Amanda went to the front desk. My room was on the top floor and it was huge!!! I placed my suitcase on the bed and decided I would pull my laptop out of my bag and call Drew.

It rang a few times before I saw the all too familiar blonde head of hair and blue eyes smiling back at me.

"Hey!" I said as soon as I saw him. His smile was infectious and I couldn't stop mine from leaving my face.

"Hey Ash. How is New York going?" He asks me. The last time I came here, was when I saw my dad hiding in the crowd and Drew ran me to inside the bus. But he's in jail now. I don't have to worry about him anymore. Thanks to Drew, I'm not as afraid anymore. I'm opening up to more people, Drew helped me to do that. He showed me that not everyone is like the kids from my school.

"It's going. It's not the same without you three here though. It's more... quiet." We laugh for a bit until the laughter soon fades.

"It's more quiet here too." He says with all seriousness.

"I miss you." I blurt out.

"I miss you too Ash. It's not the same without you here." He tells me.

"Drew... what I said at the airport.... I meant it." I tell him. I don't know why I needed to clarify. I didn't want him to think I just said it because I was leaving for 9 months. Though if I were one to just say it just to say it then I would have said those 3 words when he said it to me the first time.

"I know you did. And I know it wasn't easy for you to say. Ashley, you're on my mind constantly and I'm not saying it's a bad thing but I can't focus on anyone else but you."

"Drew, you make me the person I want to be, instead of the person I am."

"Even being the person you are now, I couldn't possibly love you any less. Your perfect no matter who you want to be." I noticed my cheek a little wet and I realized a tear had escaped my eye. This guy right here, Drew Michael Chadwick, taught me how to love. And I was truly, madly, deeply in love with him. "Babe, why are you crying?" He sounds concerned. Doesn't he know he's the reason? Not that it's a bad reason. It's a good crying.

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