Chapter 22

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* This chapter is dedicated to Lauradag, my other contest winner!

Drew's POV

I had to leave her again. She was leaving Washington and management wasn't letting me go with her. I slept most of the flight home. I just wish I was with her again... boy was I whipped.

The boys and I had to wake up early and head into the studio. Simon wanted us to finish our album within the next month. We had most of the songs written but I've been on writers block and I knew the guys were getting annoyed with it. I needed to focus.

We stayed in the studio until dinner time and then the guys and I just decided to go out to eat. We went to In and Out burger because lets face it, their food is amazing.

"So, how was Washington?" Wesley asks as we sat down at the table with our food. I just got back last night and we haven't talked about it too much. I knew he was referring to getting laid. It's the furthest Ashley and I have ever gone, but still haven't done it yet. Well, not with her at least.

"It was good. That Alex dude was cool. Thought he would be more of a douche but he wasn't that bad. I told him after tour we should all get together and jam." They nodded their heads, agreeing to the idea.

"So you're done freaking out that he's going to steal your girl?" Keaton asks. It was half mocking and half seriousness.

"Ashley says he has a girlfriend. I don't entirely trust the guy, but he doesn't seem like that big of a dick." I tell them.

"You have nothing to worry about Drew. She'll be back in a few more months." Wes says and knowing that, it makes me feel more relieved.

A few weeks have passed by. I haven't talked to Ashley as much as I wished. But then again, she hasn't made that much effort to talk to me either... I get it. She's busy on tour. I was like that too. You do a show, you meet some fans, eat, and it's tiring. My first tour, I would get back to the bus and crash almost every night. So did Wes and Keaton. And I'm in the studio almost every day trying to write some new songs before the album is released.

In a weird way, I was starting to forget about Ashley. Not like that... but it's just playing music and working in the studio helps keep my mind off of her. It still hurts whenever I'm at home, and I'm in bed alone but I know I'll see her again. soon. Honestly, this going on tour thing isn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was probably a good thing too. We've been dating for about 8 months now, and it's a good test in the relationship. And it looks like we're doing good.

Ashley's POV

Drew left a few weeks ago. It's hard saying goodbye, but I think we still have it better than most because normal goodbyes don't know when the next hello will be. We knew our schedule and when our goodbyes had to be, and when we could say hello again.

I've made some new friends the past few weeks too. Their names are Tara and Lauren. Tara is 18, brown hair, brown eyes, super funny, nice, smart... we actually met on the beach. She likes to surf, and get this... she's single. Hmmm. Let me think of a boy who likes brunettes, likes to surf, is single, and would totally be into a girl like that... I'm so hooking her up with Wes. And then there is Lauren. She's 16 and super pretty, and funny, kind of awkward, and perfect for Keaton. Summer is Amanda's friend that she introduced me to after Drew had left.

The four of us had become pretty close. Lauren and Tara aren't on tour with us, but we did get to hang out with them while I was in California. And I know what you're all thinking. No, I didn't get to hang out with Drew. He didn't even know I was in California. I had talked to management and they said I couldn't see him and I knew Drew would be mad so I just didn't tell him. I spent the day with Amanda, and Tara, and Lauren, and even Alex.

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