Chapter 10

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Drew’s POV

We finished the show and the whole time, Ashley was on my mind. I couldn’t stop thinking about our kiss and I wanted nothing more than her lips to be on mine again. Backstage I saw her talking to Amanda, her stylist.

“Ashley!” I called her name and she turned around slowly with a smile on her face. She started to walk closer to me and I did the same to her. Within seconds we were right in front of each other. I cupped her face in my hands and pressed my lips to hers. Her hands pressed against my stomach caressing my abs. Her lips molded perfectly with mine. Our lips moved in sync and my stomach started doing twists and turns in my stomach. I licked her bottom lip and she immediately pulled away.

“Drew we can’t do this.” She whispered quietly avoiding my eyes. I gave her a confused look. What does she mean?

“Do what? I like you Ashley. And I think you made it pretty obvious that you like me too.” I state.

“Drew. You have a girlfriend. You can’t cheat on her with me.” She says and I can see a frown appear on her lips. I forgot about that. A huge smile appears on my face. If that’s the only thing keeping us apart then maybe we can finally be together. Jaiden and me are over. There’s nothing standing in our way.

“Jaiden and I are done.” I say happily. He head shoots up and there is shock written all over her face.

“What?” She questions me making sure she heard me right.

“I broke up with her.” I said once again.

“Why?” She asked me. I could tell she tried to feel sorry for me but no matter how hard she tried she could stop the smile from showing up on her face.

“Because of you. I thought that dating Jaiden would help me get over you but it only made me think about you more. I can’t get you out of my mind Ashley. The way you walk. They way you talk. The way you act so strong when you’re dying on the inside. Everything about you makes me want to get to know you even more. I can’t stop thinking about you no matter how hard I try.” I tell her. Her cheeks turn a dark red color and she tilts her head down trying to hide her blush. “Did I mention how cute you are when you blush? Because that’s on the list too.” As if it was even possible, her cheeks turn even darker.  

We were back on the bus and Ashley and I were in the back of the bus just talking. I’m still not sure what we were exactly.

“Ashley. What are we?” I ask her. We are both sitting down facing each other on the floor. She thinks for awhile before answering.

“Well as of right now I guess were both single.” She says with a smirk on her face. Single? Wait. As of right now? What’s that supposed to mean?

“As of right now?” I ask not understanding completely of what she just said. She nods her head slightly and she bites down on her lower lip to try and hid the small smile appearing on her face.

“Well yeah. You need to ask a girl out in order for her to become your girlfriend…” She trails off. Oh I see! I got off from the ground and walked into the kitchen area of the bus. I went into the cabinet and pulled out a ring pop. I walked back to the back of the bus where Ashley was and got down on one knee. She gave me the most confused look ever when I pulled the ring pop out from behind my back.

“Ashley Greene… will you please do me the honor of being my girlfriend?” I asked trying not to laugh. It was a serious question, but it was done in such a silly way that she couldn’t help but throw her head back in laughter.

“Yes!” She screamed through her loud roars of laughter. I haven’t seen her this happy in awhile and it was nice seeing her with a real smile. Her roars became slight giggles and then faded completely. Her face became serious before asking me a question. “But what about you’re fans? Won’t they hate that you have a girlfriend? I’m not good with hate Drew.” She confesses. Her eyes show just how scared she is. It’s good how her eyes let me read her like an open book. It helps me to determine how to handle the situation.

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