Chapter 5

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Ashley’s POV

The boys sounded awesome. I was in complete awe. They played me a few songs. One of them was apparently the song they auditioned for the X Factor with. Sunset Blvd I think it was called. It was catchy. Then they played me a song called Indigo and another one called Reason. We were all just sitting in the living room. I was just listening to them play until Drew spoke up.

“Ashley, you should play another original.” Drew said. The boys looked surprised.

I’m not surprised though. When we got here Drew told them that they were going to play a few songs for me. He didn’t mention me being musical at all. I didn’t mind too much though. Nobody knows I play music. Well I guess all 3 of them do now. I don’t think I’m that good. Drew seems to think differently, but I’m pretty sure he was just being nice.

“I don’t know…” I say. I have a few that I could sing, but they are all so personal, you know? I just met these guys and yet I’m going to basically pour my heart out to them?

“Dude, why didn’t you tell us she played?” Wes pushed Drew’s shoulder.

“Well I thought it might have been obvious when we walked in with a guitar that wasn’t mine.” Drew said and pushed Wes back.

The younger on just looked at me with such an innocent and sweet look. “Will you play us something please?” Keaton said. Why was it that I couldn’t say no to him? He just had this look to him that made it impossible.

“Okay.” I spoke quietly. “Do you guys have a piano though?” All 3 of them had a weird look on their face. Was it something I said?

“You play the piano too?” Drew said a little louder than necessary.  I just nodded my head.

“If not, I could just play a different-”

“No. We have one. It’s over there.” Wes said and pointed to the corner where they had a keyboard. I walked over to it and just played some random notes to warm up my hands.

“umm. Yeah, so I wrote this song awhile ago…. It’s called…umm…. Mean Girls.” I spokes slowly and softly.

No one has ever heard this song. I feel like they might judge me. Not only was I abused by my father, but I was picked on so much during school. The way I dressed, looked, talked… I guess I kind of only had one friend, well if you call my music teacher my friend, which I do. She would let me stay after school and play on some of the instruments. For graduation, she gave me the guitar I was playing on earlier. She’s the only person I felt cared about me.

I started to play the notes to the song and slowly, the guys disappeared. Not literally, but in my mind. I felt like I was just playing by myself and nobody was watching.

”Do you ever go to lunch with no one by your side

Cause the moment you arrive they all leave the table

Calling me everything but my name

Need I remind you again just call me Ashley

How would you feel if you running home crying

Lock yourself in your room, don't want anyone to see ya

While everyone's having fun outside, and you're telling yourself

I won't let it get to me no more

I don't wanna feel this way

I can't believe I let it go so far

No no, it's not okay

What do you know about me?

Do you wanna know what I think?

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