Chapter 6

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Drew's POV

"Okay Drew. So who is this Ashley girl? And why do you think I would be interested in signing her?" Simon said as I took a step into his office.

"I heard her singing two of her original songs this week and she is honestly amazing. The lyrics are so deep and would inspire young girls and even guys to listen." I explained to him. I know if he signed her, she could be huge.

"Did you bring the recording like I asked?"

"Yeah. It's right here." I pulled out my phone and started to play the song she sang for us the other night. Mean Girls. I played the song for him and we just sat there and listened to Ashley sing her heart out. At the end of the song I tried reading Simon's face but I couldn't tell what he was thinking. "So?" I spoke up.

"I like her." He said calmly.

Ashley's POV

It was about 11in the afternoon when my phone went off. Ughh! Who is calling me? I know it's not that early but I like my sleep. I picked up my phone and I didn't recognize the number. Should I answer it? I debated it but decided what the hell. I clicked the Answer button and put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I said a little tired.

"Good Afternoon. Is this Ashley Greene?" A male on the other line asked. Who is this?

"Umm.... yes it is. Who is this?" I asked.

"This is Simon Cowell." He responded calmly. Wait. Isn't Simon Cowell like that famous guy?! What is he doing calling me? How did he even get my number?

"The famous Simon Cowell?" Dumb question Ashley. What other Simon Cowell do you know.

"The very one." He said with a laugh.

"Not to sound rude but why are you calling me? How did you even get my number?" I asked him. This was all so confusing.

"Your friend Drew Chadwick played me one of your songs Mean Girls. Ashley, I want to sign you. Will you be on my record company?" He asked me. What?! I don't know if I'm furious with Drew for taping my song or if I'm excited to be getting this call from Simon Cowell asking me to join his label. I mean he knew how personal that song was. Well maybe not, but it should have been implied. How could he record me? Was he ever going to tell me this? Ughh.

"Can I have some time to think about this?" I asked him. It seems like a dream come true, but I don't think I'm ready for this. I don't think I can ever be ready for this. I'm not that kind of girl that sings in front of huge crowds. I just don't think I can do this.

"Of course. Take all the time you need. I'll talk to you soon Ashley." He said and hung up.

Like it was planned, as soon as I hang up from my call with Simon I get a call from Drew. I'm so mad I don't even want to talk to him right now. I press ignore but he calls again. I decide to pick up.

"What the hell is your problem?" I yell into the phone.

"Excuse me?" He seems confused by my outburst but I don't care.

"Why would you record me? Don't you know how personal that song was to me?" I said a little quitter but still with anger clear in my voice.

"I know it was and that's why I taped you. People need to hear that song Ashley. They need to hear you. Didn't you hear Simon? He likes you. And he wants to sign you. Did you say yes?" He asks.

"No." I said flatly.

"You said no?" He seemed upset.

"No. I said I need time to think about it." I cleared it up for him.

"Oh okay." Was all he responded with.

"Drew, I don't know if I can do this." I said calmly. The anger was gone and now I was just filled with confusion.

"And why not?" I could tell from his voice that he wasn't just asking. He truly cared.

" I'm scared." I mumbled into the phone.

"What?" He asked. I didn't think he heard me but I was hoping he did just so I didn't have to repeat myself.

"I said I'm scared Drew. I couldn't handle the hate that I'd get if I get signed. And don't say I won't get any because I know I will. Everybody gets hate no matter how popular they are and I can't handle it. I'm just not cut out for that kind of life." I told him. Maybe I'm being crazy but I can't get hate. I don't handle it well.

"I'll be there right by your side Ashley. I'm not going to let anything get to you. Simon said you could open for us and if you like it; you can stay. If you don't want to be signed after our tour, then you won't have to. I hope you do though. We all do. You could change the world in such a positive way. And I don't know what happened in to you in New York but you could show up all those mean girls that you're bigger than they are. Prove them wrong." Drew said sweetly. I wanted to cry at his words. He doesn't even know my past but he's somehow finding a way to comfort me about it. I mean I guess I could try it.

"Okay." I said softly.

"Okay?!" he asked me. I guess he was a little surprised that I agreed with him. I'm a little surprised that I agreed with him.

"I'll open for you. But if I don't like it Drew I'm done. I'm trusting you." I told him.

"I know and I won't let you down." He said as he hung up the phone.

What did I just agree to?

Heyy Guys! Sorry this chapter was so short and it sucked but I didn't really know how to write this part. The next chapter will be more of a filler like this one and then it will get more into the story. I'm sorry if this seems rushed but I know what I want to write and I just want to get to writing it haha. Let me know what you think. Stay lovely and please HEART AND COMMENT!!


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