Chapter 16

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Hahaha I love writing Cliffhangers. Tee hee. I'm mean. 😋


Reid's POV:

After the doctor person checked me out, he left the room. I decided now would be a good time to look around. I saw many bright gift baskets. Who got them for me? My mom? Where is my mom?

After about 5 minutes, two men came in. "Hi?" I asked. The one with dark skin spoke. "Do you know who we are?" He asked. I stared at them for a minute. I shook my head. "No. Who are you?" I asked. They looked at each other when the tall man who showed no emotions spoke up. "Do you know your name?" He asked. Well of course I so. "Spencer Reid." I said. They both breathed a sigh of relief. "Re- Spencer, my name is Aaron Hotchner. This is Derek Morgan. The woman you saw when you first woke up is Jennifer Jareau." He said. I nodded.

They just stood there for a second before Derek spoke up. "We are with the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit." He said. FBI!?! What is the FBI doing here!?! "Am-Am I in trouble?" I said. My heart started to race and the constant beeping noise went faster and I couldn't control myself. The doctor ran in. "I need you two to leave right now." He said to them. "Spencer? My name is Dr. Williams. Can you relax?" He asked, pointing a flashlight in my eyes. My head started to pound and they kept telling me to stay awake, but I couldn't...


Hotch's POV:

Reid doesn't remember either of us, and he didn't seem to remember JJ either. Morgan and I got kicked out because his heart rate went up really fast. We walked back to the room everyone else was in.

Everyone looked up when we walked in. "How is he?" Emily asked. Morgan spoke up and said, "He didn't remember us." Everyone was in shock. "What happened in there? You guys weren't very long..." Rossi started to say. "His heart rate increased and we were told to leave." I said.


Dr. William's POV:

We sedated Mr. Reid, but not enough for him to go into a coma. Just some medication to make him sleep. We figured out that he was just overwhelmed with the pressure of just waking up. I got up from my desk and walked towards the room where the BAU was. I walked in and everyone looked up. "We sedated him lightly, but just enough for him to sleep. He should be up in the morning. He will need a lot of adjusting to do. Do not expect him in work anytime soon. Tomorrow, we should know about how long it will be until he can be discharged. I must got. I have a lot of paper work and you all can probably relate to that." I said all at once. And then I left.



It is Mai birthday so here is my gift to you!

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