Chapter 9

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*7 Days Later*

Hotch's POV:

One of us always goes to spend 30-60 minutes with Reid everyday. I allow the time off. All we have is paper work. We would get a couple of requests, but then they would be withdrawed because they figured it out. At about 2PM, I got a call on my cell phone. I looked at the caller ID and it said "Dr. Williams". I immediately got nervous. "Hotchner." I answer. "Hello Aaron. I just wanted to inform you that you and your team should get back here soon." He said. "Alright thank you." I said and hung up. Mrs. Reid 2 days ago, but I promised to video chat her doctor if anything changed. I walked out of my office and said, "Briefing room now. And bring everything as if you were leaving for the day." and walked into the Round Table Room. Everyone quickly followed. They set their stuff down. "I just received a call from the hospital, Dr. Williams specifically. He told me to get down to the hospital ASAP. Boys in one SUV and girls in the other. Take everything." I said. And with that we were off...


*30 Minutes Earlier*

Dr. Williams POV:

I was walking down the hallway when a nurse stopped and said, "Mr. Reid's oxygen levels have increased!!!" I ran to his room. I took him off Life Support and he was breathing on his own. We situated him and I called his boss. They are one their way. This is a good sign!


Sorry for the short chapter. -.- Longer Chapter coming!!! :)

If you haven't seen the latest episode, then don't read ahead... (The Road Home) Episode #199

OMG CAN YOU BELIEVE JJ GOT KIDNAPPED!?!?!?! I am legit crying. What is going to happen to Henry? And Will? Oh GAWD, what if Reid takes Dialudd again...? Oh GAWD. Episode 200 is on February 5th! UGH!!!! Pray for JJ my Reiders!

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