Chapter 11

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*Author's Note:

Yeah I'm back! It is a really hard time for my family and my extended family (the members of my town's volunteer fire department). Everyone is just upset and sad about Roger's passing. I served his funeral and I broke down crying a good portion of the time. It is always harder when it is a firefighter. And turn the tears on. Well, now here is the chapter!*


Hotch's POV:

It was decided that the guys would go in first. He didn't look much better than last time, but there was less tubes and such. He just laid their peacefully, as if the world was peaceful. It was hard seeing our smartest agent in a coma. We all were silent; no words could describe this moment. No one wanted to speak. Everyone was thinking the same thing-How much longer?


Garcia's POV:

The guys returned and stayed silent, and us three girls walked sadly to the strangely familiar room. His appearance hasn't change, just that there was one less machine and tube connected to his frail body. It is really hard for all of us to concentrate during work because his desk is just how he left it. And we don't know if he will ever see it again.



Emily's POV:

Every day, one of us visit Reid for about an hour in the hospital. Today was my day. I pulled up to the ever-so-familiar hospital and parked. I walked in and went straight to the elevators. The staff know that there is an FBI Agent in this hospital and that we are his co-workers so we don't have to sign in. I got up to his room and sat in the one, uncomfortable plastic chair in his room. I usually do something he likes to do - word searches, cross word puzzles, sudoku.

About 30 minutes after I got in his room, a machine started beeping crazily. I frantically hit the Nurse's Button and someone came running in. She immediately upon seeing me holding onto Reid's hand and the machines yelled for his doctor. He and 2 other people in scrubs came running in. "He is coding!!!" Someone yelled. One of the nurses pulled me away as the brought the Shock Cart in. I was whisked to the waiting room on his floor to sit.

I called Hotch as soon as I sat down. "Hotchner." He answered in his monotone voice. "H-Hotch? Get everyone to the Conference Room and get me on speaker ASAP." I half yelled, half cried into the phone. I heard him yell for the team and their fast footsteps up to the conference room. "Ok your on speaker with all of us." Hotch said. "O-okay. Well, umm, I was in Reid's room and then one of the monitors started beeping like crazy and then...and then the doctor..." I say before breaking down crying. "Emily calm down. We will come. Okay? Hang in there. We will be there in a couple minutes." Morgan said. I barely got out a "yes" before hanging up.


Morgan's POV:

I put the lights and sirens on and sped down to the hospital. When we got their, Rossi handed the Valet Parking guy $5 and we all ran inside and didn't bother waiting for the elevator. We ran upstairs and found Emily in the 3rd floor waiting room. The girls went to comfort her, when Dr. Williams came in. We all stood up.

He had a distressed look on his face, as if he was mentally telling us to prepare for the worst. "Spencer coded. Right now, he is in critical condition and his chances of survival have drastically decreased. He is receiving CPR now." He said. He opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by a nurse who ran in and said, "Doctor, we can't get a pulse on Spencer. His heart just won't restart!" She exclaimed. He immediately ran out. God Reid better make it.



I am dedicating this whole book to Roger. He was a caring man that was there for everyone and anyone who needed support or a good laugh.

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