Chapter 7

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Dr. Williams POV:

I finish on Dr. Reid after about a 13 hour surgery. He is pretty badly torn up. I had to put him on Life Support since he kept slipping in and out of conscious. I do not know his story, and I don't really want to know. I honestly don't think he is going to make it. I wash my hands and take off my surgery scrubs so I am in my regular ones. I watch the nurse and other 2 doctors wheel him down the hall to his room. I walk into the waiting room. "Dr. Spencer Reid." I say to everyone. All of his teammates look like their asleep except for their unit cheif, Aaron Hotchner. After I said Spencer's name, they all shoot up in the air. "How is he doctor?" a blonde woman asks. "He is very serverly injured. I had to put him on Life Support not too long after the first update. He had many broken bones. He lost a lot of blood and his foot had to be reset. He might need more surgeries in the long run after these injuries. He is heavily sedated and I honestly think that he has a high chance of not making it." I say sorrily. Aaron asks, "What would that percentage be?" I think for a moment before saying, "I would say 60-85%" They all look down in sadness. "When can we see him?" an Italian man asks. "I will allow 2-3 visitors at a time." I answer. I let that sink in and walk to Caroline, the receptionist and give her Dr. Reid's information.


Hotch's POV:

After hearing that Reid might not make it, I called his mother's doctor. "Dr. Andy Jones." he answers. "This SSA Aaron Hotchner with the Behavioral Analysis Unit in the FBI. Is this Diana Reid's doctor speaking?" I say. "Uh, yes it is. Is she in any sort of trouble?" he asks. "No. Her son, Dr. Spencer Reid, is in a medically induced coma after a 13 hour surgery. He has a high chance of not making it. I would like Diana to be transported out here in case he doesn't make it." I wearily say. He is quiet for a moment then says, "I will tell Ms. Diana she is needed and we will catch the first flight from Las Vegas to Quantico." I then remember about our private jet and say, "There is no need for plane tickets. I will send a private jet out immediately and it will be at the George Washington International Airport." He is silent for a moment before saying, "Thank you for the call Mr. Hotchner." and he then hangs up. I call up our pilot and give him the flight information. After I hang up, I walk back over to the group. "Hotch, you and JJ will go to see Spencer first. Then Rossi and I, and finally Derek and Garcia." Emily says. I nod and JJ and I walk to the receptionist and get Reid's room number.



Hotch and I ride the elevator to the 2nd floor. When we find Spence's room, Dr. Williams is waiting outside. "I just wanted to talk to you before you see him. He is heavily sedated so he may hear what you are saying, but there is no way of knowing. He probably won't make any movements. He is very banged up and does not look like his normal self." he says. The door is closed with no windows. The last time I saw him, he looked pretty bad. We nod in agreement and he walks to the door and opens it and moves the side. I close my eyes and walk in. When I open them, all I do is break down crying...


Emily's POV:

Rossi and I will be going to see Spencer together. JJ and Hotch left about 2 minutes ago. Garcia and Derek will go up last to see him. Garcia hasn't seen him in a couple of days as well as Rossi. Hotch only got a glimpse of him when Derek ran to the OR after the doctor.

After about 15 minutes, JJ and Hotch come back. JJ is crying a lot and goes to me and Garcia. Hotch just shakes his head. Reid can't be that banged up, can he?

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