Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Victoria Leigh Soto

Derek's POV:

As I walk into work on Tuesday morning, I notice everyone is here, but Reid. "Where's pretty boy?" I ask. Everyone shrugs. Hotch comes out of his office and says, "Briefing Now." We all follow him into the Conference Room. We all sit down. Rossi walks in, looks around, and says, "Where is Reid?" Everyone shrugs. Hotch tries to call Reid, but he doesn't answer. "Well, let's start the case and see if he shows up." The new case is right here in Quantico.

"Men in their 20s and 30s have all been kidnapped, then murdered. Each were murdered at their dumpsite. Each were taken at night through a window. The window was broken. There is a note at each house. The men are killed at night, exactly 1 week after the kidnapping. There are traces of Dialudd in their systems." Everyone looks around at each other. Everyone knows how Reid was kidnapped and drugged with Dialudd. Rossi was told about this because he wasn't here when that happened.

I get up and say, "Well, I'm gunna go look for Reid at his apartment." JJ follows me out to the SUV. "He probably just overslept." JJ says, breaking the silence. I nod, but still don't know what is exactly going on. I park outside Reid's apartment building. He doesn't have a car and travels via subway to work.

His apartment is on the first floor. I walk up to the door, with JJ following me. I knock on Reid's door and yell, "Reid! You in there?" Silence. He wouldn't have slept through that. "Reid! Open the door or I'm kicking it open!!" Still silence. JJ backs up and I kick the door down. We look inside his apartment and then back at each other. His apartment was wrecked. There is blood everywhere. We walk in. JJ calls Hotch. I look around, in case Reid tried to commit suicide. He is no where. His bed is unmade. Then I see it. The broken window. The note. "JJ GET IN HERE!!!" I scream. JJ is still on the phone with Hotch, but she runs in anyways. Hotch is on speaker and says, "What is going on?" JJ and I stare at each other and I say, "The Unsub has Reid."

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