Chapter 8

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A/N: Shout out to MegansTime for commenting and making me want to continue!


When I walked into Spence's room, I broke down crying. He was bruised really bad and had so many tubes and wires connected to him. He looked so fragile. I sat on his bed and held his hand. I didn't have any words. It was breath-taking. Hotch walked in and stood there with no emotion on his face. After about 10-15 minutes. We headed back down to the waiting room. I half-ran to the girls and broke down crying.


Dr. Andy Jones' POV:

I packed up Mrs. Reid's items in a suitcase for a week since I do not know how long we will be in Quantico. I packed up my stuff as well. I told my boss the situation and he agreed. He sent his prayers for Spencer. I was very worried for Diana since she hates flying. We arrived at the airport and Diana's face went from normal to terrified. "What are we doing here!?!?!" She yelled. "Diana, we need to visit Spencer. He isn't feeling well and he couldn't come to you." I explain.

She was relatively calm during the flight with a couple outbursts, but otherwise she was fine. SSA Hotchner was there to greet us on the runway. We were silent during the ride and he took us to a house. "This is a house that my neighbor rents out to people and no one is here, so he is letting you stay here for free. Get yourself situated and call me when your ready." He said in a mono-tone voice. "Thank you Mr. Hotchner." I replied. And with that, he left.


Rossi's POV:

Emily and I went up to Spencer's room. We got the same talk Hotch and JJ got. When we walked in, I couldn't help but tear up.

Obviously Emily felt the same way because she was crying. She pulled up a chair next to his bed and sat down. I put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

Reid was bandaged, bruised, and frail. He had monitors and all this equipment hooked up to him to keep him alive. It was just a depressing feeling.

After about 10 minutes we came back down and I walked over to Morgan. Hotch was picking up Diana and her doctor at the airport. Derek had a bandage around his hand because he injured it punching the wall earlier today. He gave me the "How bad?" look and I just shook my head. Then he and Garcia left.


Garcia's POV

Derek and I went up to Spencer's room. His doctor told us some information, but I didn't pay attention. I just wanted to make sure my Junior G Man was gunna be okay. We walked in and when I saw how fragile and pale Reid looked, I couldn't help but cry. Derek tried to comfort me, but nothing could take this pain away. We sat there silently. The only noise was the Life Support machine and the heart rate monitor. We left after spending 15 minutes with lifeless Reid.

Hey I'm back!!! More chapters coming!!! What do you guys think of the new possible story?

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