Chapter Thirty

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Frank P.O.V

I loved how the wind nipped at my heels. I felt like an animal, and I was on my way to help my Gee. The knife was still safely stuck in my pocket, and I would personally be sticking it into Damien's neck. I chuckled as I ran, enjoying the thought of killing him mercilessly.

It began to rain, the water soaking through my clothes. I stopped, spinning around, looking up at the sky. I loved the rain, I loved being drenched so much that my clothes weighed me down. My hair was sopping wet, and the knife in my pocket felt heavier. I wasn't entirely sure if that was just a conscience thing, or if it was because it really was getting heavier. I wanted to take off my hoodie and dump it in the woods, it would weigh me down as I ran. But, it was Gee's hoodie, and I wanted it with me at all times. It was a kind of good luck charm to me. Pulling it over my head, I tied it around my waist. I'd need it the closer I got to civilisation. People would begin to wonder if they saw an incredibly pale, skinny boy running through the woods at high speeds.

After admiring the rain for a little while longer, I started to run again. The wind was behind me now, helping me forwards. The wind was the only support I had, until I got to Gerard. God I wanted him to hold me in his arms they way he would, he made me feel safe. I skidded down a hill, managing to stay on my feet the entire way. If I tried that when I was still mortal, it would guarantee a broken leg and an overnight hospital stay. Grabbing branches off trees as I ran, I picked the leaves from them to pass the time. It would've been much better if I would've driven, but, I couldn't drive. I didn't  want to risk being pulled over by a cop, and having to drink from him. I wouldn't want to harm an innocent person- Damien was far from innocent.

It was time to put the hoodie back on. I grinned, stepping out of the woods onto a dirt road. I was almost there. Almost at my mini murdering spree. I giggled, tucking my hands into my pockets. It was growing dark, so I felt that I should just take my time. Gerard would be exhausted, I hoped that he was sleeping. I was torn. Did I want him to watch, or did I not? Yes, I wanted him there. I wanted to talk to him about that box that I found. And, after killing Damien would be the perfect time.
I kicked a rock into the darkness as I walked, jumping on tree branches, getting more and more excited as I neared the little clearing where our cabin was. I took my hood down, gazing up at the sky.

The sky was beautiful. It was stained a beautiful red colour, the clouds almost non-existent. A perfect night for a murder, my animalistic mind teased. I sniggered, patting my back pocket. The knife was there, and I was relieved. I had almost forgotten that it was tucked away there idly, waiting for its taste of vampire blood. I looked forward to the pain in his face, to watching him go down, full of sad emotions. Gerard wouldn't mind that I killed him, if anything it was a little bit of revenge from me to him. For ruining Gerard and I's quiet little existence here, and for drinking my blood.

I began to jog, growing impatient. Firstly, I wanted to see Gerard. I wanted to hug him and never let him go. Then, I wanted to kill Damien. I wanted him dead and gone before six a.m the next day. I was wired, and raring to go. I would tell Gerard that drinking fresh blood was definitely a good option. I had never felt so energised in my entire life, even in my mortal life I was never like this. Being mortal was somewhere that I never wanted to be again. With that woman dictating my every move. A thought crossed my mind, I wonder what she's doing now? I shrugged, not really caring. She never particularly cared for me, so I was perfectly justified.

Seeing the glimmer of the approaching moon on a black car told me that I was home. I grinned, jogging into the middle of the clearing. Mikey's car was here, and the lights were on in Damien's cabin. I decided on checking our cabin, remembering my want to see Gerard first- before I did anything. Walking to the door, I was glad that it was open. I didn't want to break in and startle anybody- if there was anybody inside anyway. I saw Gerard's shoes, instantly knowing that he was home. Mine joined his, as I dumped his damp hoodie on the floor by the door.

The cabin was eerily quiet, and I didn't like it too much. Checking the bathroom, I noticed his clothes lying on the ground. I shuffled towards the bedroom, slowly opening the door. He was lying on the bed, wrapped up like a baby, staring up at the ceiling.

"Frank Iero, what part of you staying away from here do you not get?" He said in a monotone, still staring up at the ceiling. I chuckled, opening my mouth.
Song Of The Chapter- Circles by The Soft Moon

Okay, Rant time.

I hate hate hate hate hate hate it when people are handed good, life-changing constructive criticism. Like, you're not seeing the point people are trying to make. Moping around in your own mess is not a good way to live- I know this for a fact, having done so for like 2 bloody years!! By saying things, and then not expecting somebody to be like "Oh, hey, here's a coping mechanism for you please use it, it helps." To have that thrown back in your face is not one of my favourite things.

Like sure, I get it, I'm an arsehole and I don't mollycoddle people because that doesn't workkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk....

Ah well, rant over, not gonna bore you with me going on XD

Don't forget to comment and vote because it really helps me out <3 This story is ending very very soon my lil mooses....

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