Chapter Twenty-One

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Gerard P.O.V

Driving away, I wiped a tear from my eyes. I made my heart ache like a bitch to leave him there. He was standing in the window, waving me off. I could see his bottom lip trembling. I forced myself to look away, to keep an eye on the road ahead of me. I allowed my own tears to fall, thinking that it would only be best to try not to stop them.

I had to think about the matter in hand. Damien. I had to come up with a plan, something that I could do to hurt him in the right places. But what could I do? What would hurt him hard enough to keep him away? Other than dating Frank, I couldn't think of anything. I didn't know whether he cared much for Reagan, so she wasn't really on my list. I thought about tying him up, locking him in a box and tossing him into a lake- but that didn't seem like a practical idea. I would've had to have lured him into my trap, and that wasn't something I had time for. I growled, gripping the steering wheel tightly. I wanted to be with Frank; the only reason why he wasn't with me right now was because I was terrified of seeing him hurt again. Having Max out to kill him during those last few mortal months was just enough. That was too much emotional pain for me to ever muster handling ever again.

The drive back to the cabin was painful. I had ran out of tears, I had cried for the entire journey home. I couldn't even begin to think about how my Frankie was feeling. I sighed, taking the key out of the engine. I rubbed my eyes, the salty tears making me sleepier and sleepier as the seconds ticked by. I can't sleep, I thought to myself, what if he breaks into my room or something? I wasn't afraid of him, I was just paranoid. I didn't want to be caught off guard. I wanted to be totally prepared for whatever was coming next. I also had to think about what I would do to get to him.

Slamming my car door shut, locking it, I looked towards his cabin. I could've sworn that I saw somebody watching me from the window, but I I didn't know which one of them it was- nor did I care. All that I did care about, was killing Damien again and burning that fucker. I backed into my cabin, closing the door behind me. Before I started to think about killing Damien and his little crew, I wanted to make sure that I was completely alone in my own cabin. I scanned every nook and cranny, listened out for any thoughts- even though I couldn't hear any of Damien's thoughts. Trying to calm myself down, I found myself in the bathroom. I stood facing the mirror, staring into my red eyes. Red from crying so hard, red from being so hungry. I threw my clothes into a pile on the floor, turning the shower on. The water was like a welcoming gift, it soothed my reddened face. I brushed my fringe out of my face as the warm water washed over my body, pleasantly stinging my skin.

That sensation reminded me of the innocent, human Frank. The way we both squirmed when we touched each other. I laughed at that memory, one hand on the cold, tiled wall. My head joined the hand on the wall, the headache from the crying now starting to vanish. I sat down on the floor, closing my eyes. The water saturated my hair, but I was trying to forget my emotions. I couldn't have any, Damien would use them and abuse me with them. I sighed, shaking my head, droplets of water flying across the bathroom. After what felt like hours, I got out of the shower. I felt like an emotionless animal. Frank was still at the front of my mind, but my emotions had momentarily vanished. They would be gone long enough for me to punish Damien for his existence.

I put on some fresh clothes, making my way to the kitchen. If I wanted to be lethal, I couldn't just drink the blood from my private hoard. I needed fresh, warm blood. Not even donor blood from the hospital. It had to be still breathing. The only place in town that I would get that would be from a bar. Not a regular one. Seeing as the thought of being with a woman made me want to hurl- it had to be a gay bar. Most of the losers in their wouldn't notice if another loser went missing. Of course I knew that I had to read their minds first, to check if they were clean enough for me to eat.

I got back into my car, staring up at Damien's cabin before I went. I watched it, to see if anything was happening inside. I could've sworn that I saw Damien moving around- knowing him, it was probably a decoy. I rolled my eyes, sending my car into reverse, spinning it around recklessly. I sped off, leaving the cabin and Damien behind me. Even though it was just for the moment. I was determined to drink, then come back and burst into that damn place. Catch him off guard- like he longed to do to me. I needed to re-assert my dominance, show him that he had no control over me any longer.

I didn't belong to him anymore. No, I belonged to Frank.
Song Of The Chapter- We Exist by Arcade Fire

I feel like I haven't updated for absolutely ages! I hope that everybody hasn't forgotten about me ;)

Lemme know what you think Gerard's gonna do to Damien?? Don't forget to vote because it helps me out a lot ;)

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