Chapter Eight

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Frank P.O.V

Gerard had long since fallen asleep, looking up at him I saw that his mouth lay open. I smiled, admiring how cute he was. I loved him more than words could ever say, or thoughts could express. His leg was wrapped around mine, his arm holding me against him tightly. I rested my head against his chest, staring out of the living room window. I could see the lake from where I stood, wishing that we could've had more time there. The trees swayed gently in the wind, but again, there was something wrong with what I was seeing. I scanned every corner of what I could see, freezing.

I could see somebody, standing about one hundred metres away from the window. If my heart could still beat, it would've stopped. I was afraid. Confused. I closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep, turning to face the back of the sofa that we were lying on.

"Gerard." I whispered, trying not to move.

"Mhm?" He said without moving his lips, his arm gripping me even more tightly.

"I'm scared, there's somebody watching us. I don't know how long they've been there." I whispered again, his eyes immediately opened. He was angry, probably because whoever it was that was standing outside, watching, had upset me. He pulled me closer to him as he scowled up at the ceiling.

"It's okay Frankie, I'll fix it." He said quietly, before getting up off the sofa. He tossed a blanket over my naked body, before disappearing out of view. He had gone out to face whoever it was, because the front door slammed shut. I hoped that he had taken the time to put clothes on. I turned over to watch the person, whoever they were they were still watching me. They hadn't moved. I couldn't help but think that they were after me. I couldn't think as to why, but I knew that Gerard would make them leave. I saw a blurred figure, before whoever it was that was staring at me had disappeared. I smiled, knowing that it was Gee's work.

I got up off the couch, wrapping the blanket around my waist. I stretched, before wandering over to the window. I couldn't see Gerard, or whoever was out there. Just the lake and the peacefulness. I closed the blinds, dropping the blanket so that I could put my clothes back on. I didn't have a problem with anybody seeing my body anymore, being so proud of it, but Gerard did. I was his and only his. Nobody was allowed to share me, nor did I want to be shared. I shoved my clothes on, heading back over to the couch. Covering myself with the blanket, I realised that there was no need for it. I didn't need warmth, but I had been so used to human feelings that it was still 'the norm' to me.

I found my head getting heavier, but I refused to fall asleep. Not without Gerard. I didn't like not having him near me when I was vulnerable. The sounds of the world around me were becoming distorted as my exhaustion took over me. I rested my head on the couch cushion, tucking my knees up to my chin, blanket over my head.

I felt somebody tap my shoulder, my eye opened lazily. It was Gerard, he was back. I smiled as he picked me up, cradling me in his arms like a mom would her baby. He carried me to our room, gently placing me down on the bed. I had completely forgotten about the events from earlier, having been graced with the presence of my beautiful beau. I frowned, remembering why he had left me.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked with a pout, sitting down on the bed next to him. He smelt like something familiar; old blood and gasoline.

"Did you find whoever it was that was staring at us? What did you do with them?" I asked, sitting up. Gerard looked as though he was reluctant to answer, but didn't hold back any

"He was a vampire, Frankie. He was looking for others of our kind, to feed off. He thinks- well thought- that it makes you stronger. He was looking for a newborn, you, specifically. Like he would've gotten to you anyway." He laughed, but I couldn't force a smile. He was after me? I sensed it. I knew that something was wrong from the get-go. I may have been a newborn for long, so my abilities were gradually weakening, but I could sense people from miles away. Anybody that wanted to do any harm to me or Gerard.

"What do you mean, thought?" I asked simply.

"Mikey and I killed him. Burnt his body. He was vicious Frankie, he was rotting. The smell was enough to make me want to throw up." He said with a shiver.

"Mikey's here?"

"He was already on his way here. He knew that there was something going on, there was somebody outside the old house just watching." I nodded, okay that Mikey was here by Gerard's side no matter what, as well as the fact that they had some bonding time after being away from each other for so long. I smiled, reaching up to cup his cheek. He pulled a face at me, before leaning down to kiss my lips. "I love you Frank Iero." He said, every stroke of my skin lulled me to sleep.

I mumbled something along the lines of, "I love you too Gerard Way." But he was sending me to sleep. He laughed through his nose, kissing my cheek, promising not to leave me.
Song Of The Chapter- Mambo Sun by T.Rex

So, I've been doing work experience at the hotel underneath my dad's office (he's a head of security/events guy blah blah) and this really attractive man walked in. I swear I froze (because I was on the front desk I had to check him in) and I had to help him take his stuff to his room- I LITERALLY WANTED TO DIE

Anyway, lemme know what you think?? Don't forget to comment and vote ;)

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