Chapter Five

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Gerard P.O.V

I took him to the kitchen with me, even though he had no reason to eat. I preferred to drink the blood from the bottles in the fridge, instead up building a dependence on the fresh blood from the hospital. I didn't want to cause myself to become addicted, it would make controlling myself in front of humans a lot more difficult. Especially controlling Frankie.

I tipped the rest of the bottle into my mouth, making sure to get every drop. I set it down on the counter. He watched me as I moved about the kitchen, he was confused as to how my hoodie had shown up on our doorstep. I was, but I wouldn't let him know. As far as I was concerned, whoever had done it would be on the receiving end of my wrath. Nobody, not anybody, was allowed to scare my Frankie. Even worry him a little bit.

"Gee, I can take care of myself you know. I'm not that weak." He chuckled, but I frowned. He didn't quite understand that, even though he was a vampire, there were still ways that somebody could harm him. If anybody found out about us they would find that way to kill us.

"Nope. You're my Frankie, and if anybody or anything is out to mess with you, I will end them." The frown was still plastered across my face, my arms stubbornly folded. He giggled, walking over to me. He planted a kiss on my frown lines, wrapping his arms around my waist. He nuzzled into my stomach, my fingers curled around locks of his hair. It was soft against my cold skin.
"I love you too much to just let you have the reigns." I admitted with a smile, ruffling his hair.

"What do you want to do today?" He asked, jumping up and down a little.

"I'd be guessing wrong if I didn't say that you want to go to the lake." I pulled a face at him, he rolled his eyes.

"I hate that you read my mind so often, what if I wanted to have private thoughts for once?" He joked, nudging me in the ribcage.

"Maybe you should think quieter." I whispered my last word, a finger against my lips. He jumped on me, wrapping his arms and legs around me. I giggled, kissing his cheek affectionately. I found myself looking out of the window in front of me, with Frankie still attached to me.

Something about the scene was different. Off. Not normal. I frowned again, scanning everything as closely as I could. The trees were the same. The forest was more peaceful than usual, which definitely screamed that something was wrong. I scanned the treetops, thee edges, the windows of the cabins. Nothing. I cocked my head to the side, all of my senses were attaching each other, each one wanting to find out what was wrong with the picture in front of me.
I heard a car engine, my head snapped to the right. It was an expensive car, more like a truck. It was white, and unusually pristine for something that had made its way through a forest. I continued to frown as it pulled up in front of a cabin. That's wrong, I thought to myself, keeping my eyes on the truck in front of me.

"What's up Gee?" Frank asked, letting go of me to join me at the window.

"Hold on, babe." I said, completely confused. It was the end of summer. We were usually the only ones left, maintaining the lie to the other cabin owners that we would leave at the end of September. A woman, blonde, stepped out of the car. Her eyes traveled the perimeter of her surroundings, somehow managing to miss me. I was glad of it, not particularly wanting a confrontation with her or her family. A man stepped out, looking younger than her. Considerably so. His skin was wrinkle-free, hair seemed to shine in the light.

"Who are they?" Frank wondered, I couldn't help but think the same. I shrugged, I didn't want to talk just in case they heard me, as childish as that sounded. I watched the guy link the woman's hand, leading her into one of the cabins. The one that hadn't had a visitor for months; Frankie and I thought that it had been abandoned.

"New neighbours, I guess." I said, turning away from the window. Everything about them smelled odd to me. They screamed it.

"Ew." He said simply, as I picked him up and sat him on one of the counters. Finally being level to him, I pressed my lips against his, as he smiled. My hand cupped his cheek, his skin amazingly soft. I saw his eyes wander, thinking that he wasn't interested all of a sudden.

"Gee, that guy's watching us from his window." Frank whispered, his voice quivering. I frowned, pulling away from him, annoyed that our new neighbours had interrupted us. I walked over to the window, pulling the blinds down. The feeling that something odd was happening had come back, but I wouldn't let it get in the way of my love for Frank. I kissed him again, pulling him towards me, happy that the peeping Tom (or so he seemed to be) had been deprived of seeing Frank and I together.
"I don't like him." Frank added, I stroked his cheek with the back of my thumb, reassuring him that nothing would happen.

Song Of The Chapter- Helena (So Long & Goodnight) by My Chemical Romance

As the Christmas holidays approach, I've already found myself borrowing money as I'm broker than a broke bitch *trust me*.

What does everyone think of the sequel so far?? I know we're only on chapter five but damn it seems to be interesting people :3
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