Chapter Sixteen

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Frank P.O.V

Being around Lacey was probably not a good idea. The beating of her feeble little heart- I could've fed off her there and then. Drinking her warm, fresh blood right in front of her wasn't a good idea. I was seething, dying for something to drink. I started to run to the door, not thinking of what I was doing. Gerard caught me, dragging me back to our bedroom. I was growling, like an angry animal just wanting to feast on live prey.

"Let me go Gerard." I growled, fighting him as fiercely as I could. But he was much stronger than me, and was able to close the door behind us. He threw me onto the bed, having just enough time to barricade us into the room. He had shoved a dresser in front of the door, he himself sitting in front of it. I crawled over to him, standing up. I grabbed hold of his arm, trying to drag him away from the door. To an outsider- I looked like a tantruming child trying to get what they wanted. Poor Gerard, looked tired as I tried to pry him away from the door.

"Frankie, get away from the door." He sighed, looking me directly in the eyes. Mine were dark, his were the same, comforting hazel. I shook my head, still attempting to drag him away from the door.

Eventually, I realised that simply trying to pull him away from the door wasn't going to work. I resorted to an old friend- biting. I sat down, next to him, picking up his arm. I looked at him, he looked at me, an eyebrow raised as if to challenge me. My fangs appeared, before I sank them into his neck. My venom wouldn't have hurt him, it only hurt the living. But drawing his blood would've made him weak.
"Frankie, we've been through this. Drinking old blood makes you sick. I hate having to clean up after your episodes. Just calm down. I love you." He wrenched his arm away from my mouth, his words threatening. I stopped, swallowing the mouthful of his clotted blood. He wiped his arm on his jeans, as I backed away from him. I hated it when he shouted at me, I didn't like upsetting him.

"Go to bed." He said, folding his arms, looking away from me. I looked at the floor, upset with my over-the-top actions. I crawled away from him, doing as I was told. My head had already started to ache- I should've listened to him. He was wiser than me, more experienced than me. He knew how to control the hunger pains, the side-effects of my hunger; from experiences of his own.

I stared at him from the bed, curling up into a ball. I couldn't take my eyes off him, but he wasn't looking at me. He was upset with me, for drinking from him. He was also upset with the way that I had acted around Lacey, being so inexperienced with living, breathing humans. I couldn't force myself to sleep, I was watching him intently. He was deep in thought, but I couldn't hear what he was thinking. That wasn't my power. He assured me that mine would've come sooner or later- but I couldn't help but think that he was lying to me. Lying to keep me from feeling stupid, from feeling like I was useless to our community.

"You're not useless Frank," he said out of the dark, the room was pitch-black. I couldn't see him, but I knew that he was still sat in front of the dresser. He was determined to keep me in the room until I had calmed down. He was trying to wean me off the warm blood, trying to train me when it came to drinking like him. I admired his perseverance with me, he loved me unconditionally. "You're still a newborn. You don't understand boundaries yet." He finished, I heard the floorboards creak as he shifted in his spot.

"It's been a year Gerard. I feel like I've gotten nowhere." I admitted, trying to stifle the hot, burning tears that were forming in my dark eyes.

"Frankie, it's taken me centuries to control myself properly. I spent many many years pent up inside. Elena thought that I was going to kill myself. Whilst Mikey was out, making friends, having a social life- I was stuck inside. I couldn't cope, I wanted to die. You've never been in the position where every wound you inflict on your body closes up and heals," he started, I became silent. He had never really spoken out about his past. I knew that it was a tragic one, with sadness at every turn. "I tried to drink my own blood, Frankie. I tried to poison myself. But every time I woke up, when I had thought that I had died, I had never been better. Never looked so well. You have only started in my world." He stopped for a while, realising that he had revealed to me a secret past that he didn't want to share. I felt ashamed of myself. Selfish and unaware of others.

"I'm not trying to be parent to you Frankie. I'm your boyfriend, and I love you. But, it hurts me to see you like that. I just see myself- nobody but myself." He sniffled. I wanted to scream at myself, to accuse myself of hurting him. I loved him so much, and my selfishness and uncontrolled hunger had caused him to cry. I hadn't seen him cry properly, but I remembered hearing him do so when I was changing.

"Gee. Why have you never told me any of this?" I sat up, crawling towards him.

"Because I never thought that it was necessary. Meeting you, seeing you so happy- with me, it killed all of those memories Frankie. It made me feel like I had a purpose- and my purpose was to care and to love you. Not to change you into a monster like me." He screamed, sobbing louder and more passionately. I stopped thinking for a moment. I stopped listening to my thoughts of selfishness. My mouth opened, but it closed again. Nothing that I could say would be able to calm him. The wall inside his mind had broken down- he had fought so well to build them.

"We're not monsters, Gerard Way. We are two, strong people. We have our weaknesses, but most people do. It is normal. Our love for each other is stronger than any love between anybody," I began, crawling off the bed, suddenly finding the courage to be face to face with him. I slid off the bed, crawling over to him. He was crying uncontrollably, his eyes pained and red. "We have each other."

"Daniel isn't who he says he is. Neither is Meghan. Her name isn't Meghan is Reagan. Daniel's name isn't Daniel it's Damien. Before I met you I thought that he was the one that I was meant to love. He manipulated me Frankie- I could've sworn that he was dead. He wanted to be like me Frankie, I drained his body so that he couldn't come back." He was hyperventilating. I shushed him, ignoring the growls and protests given out from my stomach.

"We'll talk in the morning. Come to bed. Please?" I begged, trying not to cry myself. He nodded, allowing me to lead him to the bed. He tossed his clothes onto a pile in the floor, I did the same. All so that we could hold each other properly. He was shaking, and so was I. He from emotional pain, I from hunger pains. I turned around in pain to face him, he wrapped his arm around me. His strength suggesting that he would never let go of me.
Song Of The Chapter- You're A Wolf by Seawolf

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