Dr. Pacific

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Over the past few days, Jesse had been incredibly attentive, rarely leaving my side. He was hesitant to go to work, fearing that I might need his support in his absence. But the truth is, I couldn't help breaking down even when he was with me.

After about a week, I began to feel restless at home. I encouraged him to go to work, assuring him that I would head to the beach after lunch, where one of the boys in blue could keep an eye on me. I had my heart set on Bronte, especially since I'd heard that the waves would be incredible today.

With a wide smile, he left for work. In that moment, I couldn't help but feel guilty for keeping him cooped up at home with me for so long. He was naturally sociable and enjoyed being around other people, a trait I completely understood.

I devoured a quick meal and headed straight for Bronte, my trusty board tucked under my arm.

Upon reaching the beach, I stashed my belongings near the small lifeguard tower and wrestled into my snug, yet bone-chilling wetsuit. No amount of cold water was enough to deter me. I was on a mission to have a session with Dr. Pacific, the ocean, to uplift my spirits.

For well over an hour, I rode the waves, relishing the feeling of reconnecting with the sea after what felt like an eternity. When I finally decided to take a break, I returned to the sandy shore to warm up. Making my way to the changing rooms, I shed my wetsuit and swapped it for a dry bikini. I wasn't about to let a little cold water spoil my beach day, not when the warm sun was shining so brilliantly.

With my bikini on, I made my way back to my spot and stretched out, basking in the sun's embrace.

A few minutes later, I sensed a shadow casting over me.

"Maxi? Could you scoot a bit to your left? You're blocking MY sun!" I playfully quipped, not bothering to look up to see if it was indeed Maxi.

"If only it were that simple, Olivia," a voice replied. It wasn't Maxi. It was James, standing right in front of me.

"J-James? What are you doing here?" I stammered, realizing how foolish my question sounded.

"Well, I didn't know the beach belonged to you. I thought you liked sharing, just like you made me share you with that other guy, Jesse," he said with a menacing tone. My heart raced as I tried to comprehend the gravity of the situation, and my body began to tremble, not from the cold, but from fear. I attempted to scream for help, but my voice failed me.

Understanding my futile efforts, he covered my mouth and forcibly dragged me away from the lifeguard tower. Panic surged through me, and I struggled internally, trying to muster the courage to fight back, but his grip on my already-bruised arm only tightened.

Just then, Maxi emerged from the lifeguard tower and inquired, "Olivia, are you okay?"

I was about to respond, but James cut in with a loud retort, "Yes, we're fine. Can't two people have an argument without anyone intervening?"

I could see the shock in Maxi's expression. In that tense moment, it dawned on me that although Maxi had heard about James countless times, he had never actually seen him before. I desperately didn't want him to come to my defence, fearing he might get hurt too. I silently begged him not to get involved.

Observing him inching closer, concerned, I mustered the strength to speak, painfully aware of how my words would affect Maxi. He didn't deserve to be caught in this situation.

"Maxi, he's right," I uttered, the words tasting bitter as they left my lips. I saw the hurt in Maxi's eyes as I urged him to leave. "He said we're fine. Just go now." It pained me to say those words, and I thought, "I'm sorry, Maxi." He reluctantly turned and retreated back into the lifeguard tower.

James proceeded to drag me along the beach, and as soon as we were out of sight, he callously threw me to the ground.

"See, I'm back for you, Oli," he declared.

"Don't call me that!" I snapped, the nickname Jesse used coming across as warm and affectionate, while James's usage felt entirely out of place.

"Why not, Oli?" James inquired. "I came here for you, because you're the woman of my dreams and my life. So, if I were you, I'd accept my proposal. Marry me."

I was utterly shocked. He might have claimed to change, but after everything he had put me through?

"I'm lucky you aren't me," I shot back, "because I'd choose to die this very moment rather than spend a second of my life married to you."

"That's not what you just told your friend," James retorted, a sly grin on his face. "I heard you, just now, telling him we were fine together. You had an opportunity to ask for help," he taunted, "yet you didn't."

"I didn't want him to get hurt," I shot back, my anger boiling over. "Unlike you, James, I actually care about others. No one should suffer because of me." In a fit of defiance, I spat in his face.

The anger inside me was overpowering, but before I could comprehend the situation fully, James struck me again and I fell to the ground. He muttered something along the lines of, "If I can't have you, then no one can..." and proceeded to drag my injured body towards the freezing surf.

The icy water hit me, but I couldn't muster the strength to resist. Regrettably, he was leaving me here, and I would meet my end alone, with no one to rescue me. I had alienated the very people who could have helped me, and now I was going to drown in these cold, dreamy waves without ever getting the chance to say goodbye to the people I loved.

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