Jesse's Help (part 2)

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***Jesse's POV***

I went to the bathroom and when I came out, I heard the front door creak open. I didn't think twice about it; it could have been anyone. So I washed my hands slowly and heard...

***Olivia's POV***

My protector went to the bathroom, so I took my phone to see if I had any texts from James. There wasn't any, so I assumed he wouldn't come back tonight, or not at all. I can't tell if I was being delusional or hopeful.

Then, I heard the front door creak open. James. "Errh... Hi!" I babbled nervously. "What are you doing here? Isn't it too early James?" Fear gripped me. I glanced over James' shoulder to see Jesse returning from the corridor. I breathed a small sigh of relief, feeling safer with him by my side.

"I don't think so. Why would it be too early?" His eyes trailed to the other pair of shoes lying in the entryway. "You're with someone at the moment?" James sounded very angry and reeked of alcohol as he took quick steps in my direction. It wasn't going to end well, that much was clear. "ANSWER!" I trembled from head to toe.

That's when Jesse emerged from behind James. "Olivia? Are you alright?" Damn it, he shouldn't have stepped in...

"Who are you? You're MY Olivia's new boyfriend? I KNEW YOU WERE CHEATING ON ME! You deserve every blow you are going to get tonight." James yelled. He raised his arm as if to strike me, but Jesse intervened before he could. "Let me go, you bastard!!!"

"Don't come back here!" Jesse warned him sternly. "Or I'll call the cops." He then took out his phone and stopped the recording. "And I have some compelling evidence against you."

"You can't prevent me from going to my place."

"It's not your place anymore," I blurted out, finding newfound strength. "I want to break up with you. I'm leaving for the night. Get your stuff out of the flat, or I'll throw it all out." I couldn't believe I said this. "Jesse, grab your things; we're leaving."

We exited the flat, and I burst into tears. Jesse held me in a comforting embrace, reassuring me that I deserved better. He then took me to the Bucket List and introduced me to some of the guys he worked with

"Hey, everyone," Jesse announced. "This is Olivia, and she'll be hanging out with us tonight. Be nice to her, lads!" He held my hand and gave me a tour, introducing me to Maxi, his best mate, Gonzo, Whippet, Jake, Beardy, Reidy, H, Harries, Harrison, Kerrbox, and the others whose names I couldn't recall. They were all wonderful people and made me feel incredibly welcome.

I sat down near Maxi, with Jesse by my side, and engaged in conversation with them for most of the night. I felt completely at ease with these two, and even as more people joined our group, it was their warmth and kindness that made me feel comfortable.

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