The Bucket List

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Jesse's POV, A few days later

Maxi, Whippet, Gonzo, and I decided to head over to the Bucket List for some drinks after work. Unfortunately, most of the other boys couldn't join us due to prior commitments or private engagements, which was a shame for them. We opted to walk to the bar, knowing we wouldn't be driving later in the night.

We had stashed our belongings at Maxi's place, conveniently located just a 5-minute walk away from the Bucket List. Our intention was to enjoy a night of darts and pool games after our drinks. Upon entering the bar, we found a cozy spot by the window overlooking the beach.

As the evening progressed and a few drinks were consumed, the boys seemed to think that my relationship with Olivia needed some clarification.

"So, how do you feel when you're with her?" Maxi asked.

I took a sip of my drink and smiled. "Honestly, I feel really good when I'm around her. She's got this incredible sense of humour, and it's infectious. Can't help but smile."

"That's awesome, man," Whippet chimed in. "So, are you guys officially dating?"

I shrugged. "Not officially, but we've been spending a lot of time together. We'll see where it goes."

"Hum... I-I feel good. I only want to smile, 'cause she's funny..." I wasn't sure about what to say, but they'll change the subject if I answer. So...

"Is she cute?" someone else asked with a playful grin.

"Well... it depends on your taste," I replied diplomatically. However, my response was met with a few pointed glares. I chuckled, "Yeah, she's definitely cute, at least in my book."

"Would you like to be more than her friend?" they persisted, their teasing getting on my nerves.

I sighed, taking a moment to collect my thoughts. "I don't know, guys... She's great and all, but I'm not sure if she's looking for a boyfriend right now, especially after her last relationship."

"But come on, even if it's you? She couldn't resist a guy as wonderful as you are," one of them quipped, eliciting laughter from a few others.

As they pressed for more information about her previous relationship, I gently deflected, "What happened with her last boyfriend is really her own story to tell. It's her private life, and I respect that. If you're curious, you can always ask her directly. When she's ready, she'll share."

The guys decided to shift the conversation to lighter topics, and we continued our evening with more drinks and some food. Eventually, we decided to team up for a game of darts. As we were about to begin, the room was suddenly filled with a horrific cacophony.

The screeching of tires, the sickening crunch of a collision, the shattering of glass, and the terrified screams of onlookers filled the air. A car accident had occurred right in front of the restaurant, disrupting the momentary peace of our evening.

Olivia's POV, an hour earlier

Some of the guys had invited me to join them for a night at the Bucket List and a few drinks. I explained that I needed to do some clothes and food shopping beforehand, so I let them know I would be arriving a bit later.

I started by driving to that upscale boutique I had always dreamt of visiting, despite knowing it could be a bit pricey. I was hopeful that I'd discover something stylish to wear for the night. Upon stepping into the store, a sales associate greeted me with an unwavering smile. I couldn't help but wonder if this level of attention was extended to every customer.

"Hey, what can I help you find today?" the sales associate inquired.

"I'm looking for a dress for a night out," I replied.

"With some guys?" She winked, showing her friendly and playful side.

"Yes!" I laughed.

She was incredibly helpful, suggesting a few dresses for me to try on. During our conversation, I learned that she was actually the store's owner. Her depth of knowledge about clothing and fashion was evident, and it made the shopping experience all the more enjoyable.

I tried on a laced blue knee-length dress, which made my eyes appear brighter. Then, there was a simple red dress with a diamante belt that seemed to make my legs go on forever. However, my absolute favorite was a short, pale pink dress with a high neckline. It was love at first sight, and I couldn't resist its charm.

With the perfect dress in hand, I quickly paid and glanced at the time

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With the perfect dress in hand, I quickly paid and glanced at the time. Panic set in as I realized I was nearly an hour late for our gathering at the bar!

I mustered the courage to ask the shop's owner if I could get ready in her store. She gave me a curious look but agreed. Rushing to the ladies' room, I swiftly changed into the dress and applied some mascara from my handbag.

As I glanced down at my feet, I realized I was only wearing old flats. I sighed, thinking that would have to do. However, just as I was about to step out the door, the kind lady handed me a pair of heels and said, "You look so beautiful... My treat!"

I was overwhelmed with gratitude but knew I had to get going.

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