I Was Born Troublemaker

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I almost ran to my car, but those heels made it impossible. I despised being late, and it was even worse when I was heading to a date. "Too bad," I thought to myself. "They'll understand once I'm there."

I started the engine and turned onto the main road, passing in front of the bar I was heading to. I found myself momentarily distracted by the sight of the street on a Friday night: All the pubs, bars, and restaurants were aglow with festive fairy lights. People seemed happy and carefree, ready for a good time. Couples were dining or strolling hand in hand, groups of friends gathered for a beer after a hard day's work, and families were enjoying takeout meals together.

And there was me, on my way to share a drink with my new best mate and his friends, ready to have a blast and party all night long. I felt absolutely wonderful. I considered myself incredibly fortunate to have found such caring people to hang out with. Everything was perfect, and I couldn't have been happier.

Navigating past the ideal parking spot, I unbuckled my seatbelt and carefully positioned myself to parallel park. As my car gradually turned at a 45-degree angle toward the sidewalk, I glanced up at the rearview mirror. Just in the nick of time, I spotted a blue car hurtling toward me at an alarming speed, its driver looking down, seemingly engrossed in a cell phone. I didn't have a moment to sound the horn before our vehicles collided.

The impact was forceful, causing the front windshield to shatter. 

I knew I should have had it fixed sooner.

I was flung onto the asphalt, propelled several meters away.

My head collided brutally with the ground.

Screams echoed from all directions.

Every inch of my body throbbed with pain.

Desperate, I attempted to shut my eyes, to will the agony away.

But I was helpless. I couldn't budge; I couldn't even release my grip on life.

In stark contrast, fury surged within me. What a bizarre way to grab attention! I couldn't deny it—I was undoubtedly born a troublemaker.

Jesse's POV

The lads and I sprang into action, racing outside as soon as the deafening crash reached our ears. Our lifeguard instincts kicked in, and we seamlessly shifted into rescue mode. Maxi swiftly maneuvered around the two mangled cars, assuming the role of directing people away from the scene and creating a safe zone. Meanwhile, Gonzo and I concentrated on locating the drivers most likely to be injured. It was evident that the collision had been severe, leaving both vehicles completely totalled.

I peered into the first car, expecting to find someone in need of help, but it was empty. It seemed the driver had managed to escape through the shattered front windshield. I carefully moved around the wreckage to assess the extent of the damage when I noticed a small group had gathered further down the road.

I hurried over to the group to see a young woman lying on the ground. My heart raced as I recalled the familiar "ring of death" that usually formed during serious rescues on the beach. Without hesitation, I quickly ushered everyone else out of the way and shouted for one of the boys to join me.

To my shock, I realized the injured girl was Olivia.

I'd still like to know what you think about the story or if you find any mistakes... and don't hesitate to tell me if you have any good ideas!

I would also like to know where in the world you guys are from? It would be nice!

See you soon, 

PrincessMia XXX

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