Jesse's help

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***Jesse's POV***

I rushed over to Olivia's house as soon as I hung up the phone, which was around 9 in the morning. She had sounded in terrible shape when we spoke just minutes ago, so I was driving a bit too fast for the speed limit, but at that moment, I couldn't have cared less. I just needed to get to her and see how she was.

Upon arriving at her house, I noticed that her door wasn't fully closed. I didn't waste a second, rushing inside. There, I found Olivia lying on the floor, her left shoulder covered in blood. She had a bruised eye, and I couldn't recall ever seeing someone look as broken as she did at that moment.

"Hey, Olivia? What happened?" My voice trembled with concern as I knelt beside her. She was sobbing, and all I could do was sit down next to her and hold her gently. "I shouldn't have let you go home alone..."

"Jesse... It's... It's not your fault. I- I- I need to- to tell you something," she said between sobs. I knew she needed someone to lend an ear, and I wanted to be that person.

"Yeah, no worries... I'm here to listen, but only if you let me take care of your shoulder. It's still bleeding," I assured her, trying to be as gentle as possible so as not to frighten her. 

I carefully prepared a clean cloth and some antiseptic. "Let's clean that wound up, okay?" I said softly, my eyes filled with concern.

Olivia nodded, her eyes still watery from the pain. I dampened the cloth with the antiseptic and gently began to clean her injured shoulder. I was as gentle as possible, ensuring not to cause her any unnecessary discomfort. She winced a bit, but I  kept a reassuring hand on her uninjured shoulder, trying to be comforting.

"You're doing great," I whispered, soothing. "We'll have this cleaned up in no time." As I continued cleaning her wound, she started to explain.

"It's my boyfriend..." I couldn't help but shudder at the thought. She had a boyfriend? Why hadn't she called him instead of me? What would happen if he walked in at this very moment? 

"He- He was drunk, and... And he hit me when I told him I didn't want him to be there while he was drunk, that he should come back when he'd sobered up," she explained, her voice filled with fear and sadness. I clenched my fists, struggling to contain my anger, not wanting to add to her fragile state.

"That's awful..." I said softly. "You should lodge a complaint to the police station, yeah?"

"I- Errrh... No, I don't want it to be complicated... I want to leave him," she confessed, her exhaustion and fear palpable. That's when I offered to stay with her until the evening, when her boyfriend was expected to return.

"You would do this for me? Are you sure?" Her voice trembled with uncertainty.

"I would do anything for you, sweety. I'll just call Maxi to cover my shift at work, alright?" I whispered to reassure her. She appeared hesitant and initially suggested that I should go to work, that she'd manage on her own. But I insisted and made the decision to stay. Maxi, understanding the situation, graciously took over my shift.

***Olivia's POV***

Jesse's willingness to stay with me was incredibly sweet! We got to know each other better, and I could see that he was genuinely a wonderful person. We spent some time watching TV and later, he asked if I had any board games, keeping me occupied throughout most of the day to ease my worries. He even arranged for some takeaway for the both of us for dinner. In his company, I felt safe and cared for.

However, there was one looming problem: James.

There was no way he would come back around 1 a.m. like usual... He was bound to return at seven, which meant I was facing a potentially dangerous situation.

Sorry guys, another update soon... Don't have any more time ATM...

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